Thursday, December 25, 2008

Fourty minutes left

I thought it would be nice to wish all you bloggers a Merry Christmas. Those of you who I haven't already wished a Merry Christmas one way or another.

So in any case,

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Left the children in the coffee pot again,
Leaves an awful smell,
You were playing in the sandbox,
Next thing you know I am being taken down by military personnel.

So, I have the Christmas week off. Which is pretty rad. I am quite happy about it. I just get to do nothing. So I will get bored soon. =P

I suppose that means I will be learning more random songs on my guitars three then.

By the way, Left 4 Dead. Okay. Not quite the show stopper I had been expecting after all the hype. Really though? When does the game live up to the hype? Never. Easy questions.

So my ear is being cranky. Silly piercings. Shut up and get better so that I can get more. Oh man, I am so excited for my next piercing. Mmmmm... eeeeeeeeee! Very excited.

My phone is starting to fall apart at the seams. It's sad face material folks. Won't be long before I need to grab a new phone. I might just get the same model... but new. =)

Okay, I ran out of things to say.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Oh by the way

I have a new retainer. Score.

Monday, December 15, 2008


A poem dedicated to the cold. This took a lot of thought. It truly expresses my emotion towards cold. I am very pleased with it.

Ode to Cold

Go die.

Now you understand.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A confession to be made

I have a McJob.

Please don't hate me. =P

Anyways, that being said.

Do you know what is a vast amount of fun? Burns. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it's my masochistic ways shining through. Seriously though, masochism is not a good thing. =P Actually seriously now, I am utterly fascinated by my burns. Am I really just that weird? Don't answer that. I know the answer already.

Umm, that's it for now. Maybe some more later. My brain shut down after the whole working thing.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oh you fickle friend

Music. Oh music.

Okay, not quite that dramatic.

Two things really.

I am continually amused by my ability to enjoy any type of music. Even if I hate it right at first. (A good reason to avoid rap/country like the plague.) Many types of death metal are... interesting... to listen to at first. They rapidly grow on me. So, I now quite enjoy 3 Inches of Blood, Cannibal Corpse, Lamb of God, and Amon Amarth. Such a silly thing.

Second thing. Is how much I bounce around my music. Like, for the last couple of months it has been metalcore or death metal for the most part. All of the sudden however, I am back to listening to Godsmack. Which is a fairly garden variety metal band. (Sarah, feel free to correct me on any genre mislabeling that occurs here. =D )

Music is so strange.

Friday, December 5, 2008


I lost my freaking retainer!

Damn it!

Yay ears

I went from 10ga. to 6ga. today. I now have tunnels. They are still pretty wimpy. I am getting closer to my goal though. Yay for 0ga. I am quite excited for that.

Also, haircut. It's not to much different. Got it dyed black again. There is supposed to be purple in there too. I don't know if it is going to be visible. I can only hope.

That is all.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Out of school

I am all out. Except for some exams. Blargh. Exams.

I only have two of them though. Which is very nice. I'm not worried about either of them. I should be, but I am not.

Beside that though, not much.

Ooh! My grad class is planning on doing a "grad-band" thingy. Should be a blast. We have some massively talented musicians in our group. =D Love y'all. Seriously though. Crazy talent. Then there is me. With modest flute skills and not much else. =D Yay for me.

I am going for a haircut tomorrow. Hopefully that turns out well. I am going to tell her that I don't want it shorter. Just... less thick. =P If you haven't figured it out yet, I am going for the "emo" look. Somewhat anyways. Thus, my plan is to get some fringe going on. I am quite excited. Unless it turns out terribly. Then I will be quite furious. As per the fact that I am for the most part pleased with my hair right now.

Oh by the way, shameless plug time.

I put poetry here. I don't like it all. You won't like it all, but it is there. If you are interested. Don't complain to me about how it's dark and frightening if that's what you think. Seriously. I don't care if that's what you think. If you have constructive criticism I am all ears though. Thanks you.

That's about it. Mostly a filler post. I was feeling neglectful.

Monday, December 1, 2008

House of Cards (About as original as it gets. >_>)

Juvenile, a pitiful thing
Aren't you better than that?
Logic isn't allowed to enter the equation
Ignorance is far simpler to run with

Apathy, you don't care
Who do you hurt
Doesn't matter, they don't matter
It's working out for you isn't it?

Pathetic, I thought I respected you
What a foolish notion
Her fragile house of cards
Will tumble at your feet

Her fragile house of cards
Will be crushed beneath your feet

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Coalition government.




I am absolutely livid. Rage. Fury.

This is the first time in my entire 17 years of life that I have cared this much about politics. I wasn't even able to vote.

However, now Dion and Layton want to take the democracy out of our false democracy. Now of course no one actually has to agree with me when I say I support the Conservatives. That's ok, but to support this coalition? That's to support fascism in it's finest. I like to joke about being fascist. Seriously though. F*** that noise. If this goes through I am seriously considering buying me some politician kicking boots.

It bothers me to no end that Dion and Layton have decided that the voting public aren't intelligent enough to make their own decisions. It's a slap in the face of every person who voted in the last election.

Now of course I am no fan of the first past the post system of voting. It's flawed, but if you have enough of a problem with how Canada has voted. Then maybe that's were you should look. Don't start sneaking around behind our backs.

Admittedly I don't know how I would react if the situation was reversed. If the Conservative party was at the head of a coalition against the Liberals. I like to think that I would be equally furious. Chances are though that I wouldn't be. I would probably support something like this if it was reversed. Which also bothers me. Now though. I wouldn't. If this hadn't happened I would have supported. Now, no. Not a chance. Any party that is enough of a dick to do something like this doesn't deserve my vote or my respect.

Well, enough angry ranting for now.

It makes me feel especially foolish knowing that nothing that I say here will actually mean anything in the long run or even be heard by anyone who can do anything. Dang it.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Nope, not a chance

I was going to write a post about something.

I decided against it though. Maybe later.

I am so excited for the lock in. Seriously.

For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, exposition. My youth group is putting on a "lock in". Where the group shows up at the church and is locked in for the night. The plan is to stay up all night and have clever and hilarious shenanigans usually involving ridiculous amounts of video games. I plan on bringing Invader Zim to this lock in. Which will of course sky rocket the intensity of the event. (If you don't know who Invader Zim is then I suggest you either go find out or kill yourself.)...(I may have been joking about that suicide thing.)...(Maybe.)

Umm, anything else. Hmm. Hrm. Not particularly.

I miss my momma, she is at McQueen Lake with my littlest sister. Doing a school trip thingy. Mooo, I miss her. =P

I've changed my mind.

I am unblocking my blog.

This whole blocking thing is lame.

I don't really care who reads this. If they decide to read it then it is their own damn fault if they see something they don't want to.

So there.

That is what I am going to do in a moment here.

Ok. Bye.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


You grabbed her by the throat
And throttled the individuality out
Dreams are dangerous
So let's remove them
Is what we should all become

Just crawl through life
Unnoticed and unworthy
Dreams are dangerous
So let's remove them
Never stand for what you believe
Life is far simpler this way

Live a life unlived
Why even draw breath?
Dreams are dangerous
So let's remove them
Is what we have become

We were meant for more
But we deny our inheritance
The greatest gifts wait for us
Are we really too weak to take them?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fun on the bass

I have been fiddling with my bass as of late.

Learning two songs for the most part.

Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold and Sinister Minister by Bela Fleck and the Flecktones.

Afterlife is pretty easy, I have one part actually figure out and then I just have to memorize it.

Sinister Minister on the other hand. Not easy. Not at all. Incredibly fun though. Yes. This will take a lot longer to get down.

Sinister Minister


Sunday, November 23, 2008


Here is the link to Chrome for those interested.

Link yo.

It is a web browser. Check it out.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bad Habits

I chew my fingernails. I have for ages. Since I was quite little. It's worst during movies.

Actually, I managed to stop. When I had my braces on I couldn't chew my nails. So I didn't. Tonight, I noticed that I was doing it again. I was chewing my freaking nails. Damn. Now I have to figure out how to stop myself.

I was happy with not doing it too. Really though. Who does a bad habit because they want to? No one. At least not once they have realized that it is a bad habit.


Bad habits are stupid... and bad.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I had to share this.

Ok, so I have only been using it for like... ten minutes now.

But the new web browser by Google "Chrome". Is rather amazing.

I seriously recommend you try it out.

It blows Firefox out of the water. Which in turn blew IE out of the water.

So this throws IE into a vortex of doom.

Nevertheless, I have only been using it for a short period of time. So I am sure it will screw me over at some point. Until that happens though.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Makes me chuckle

Cannibal Corpse......... hehe.

I can't get over how cheesy and awesome these guys are.

Well, to clarify they aren't good. Now, good can be used in a few different manners. Good as in righteous. Which these guys definitely aren't. Good as in... not bad. These guys are... not good, but not bad either. If you read this blog and aren't Sarah, you probably won't like them. I don't actually even know if Sarah likes them.

I enjoy them just enough though. =P

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Group rituals

Ok, I have a query.

Why do people go to movies in large groups?

I don't really understand the concept at all actually. I will admit, going alone is fairly dumb. Makes one feel like that loner kid in the corner that everyone either feels sorry for or laughs at. So I don't mind going in a small group; however, going in a large group? It makes about as much sense as getting a group together and staring at a wall for two hours. Commenting on the light changes occasionally. Actually, a better example would be gathering to read a book. Occasionally making quips about your favorite character or how the bad guy is a douche bag. Now, why is going to a movie more exciting than the book prospect? Perhaps because it is flashier, and easier on the brain muscles.

Another small thought. Why am I stupid enough to buy food at the theater? Damn. So freaking expensive. I actually could have seen three movies for the amount I spent at the theater today.

Oh, and on the off chance that you don't know. We went to see Quantum of Solace. It was ok. I'm no movie critic, and I make no claims to knowing what is a "good" movie. I did however feel that this Bond film lacked what made recent ones great. Pierce Brosnan. He was my hero for a long time when I was a kid.

Hmm, anything else to let y'all know. I have a plan for grad wear. That if it goes through I will be the happiest grad ever, or at least one of the most stylish. =P

Also, I have been thinking about my next piercing. Which I will probably get in four or five months. I have been thinking nose or another ear. The ear would probably be a Daith or maybe Tragus. I don't even know which side it would be on. I am going for a project on my left ear. So maybe there. By the way, you don't have to understand what I am talking about when it comes to piercings. It took me a while to figure out all the lingo and such. Look it up, but be careful. There are some... interesting piercings out there. Which involve genitals. Male and female genitals. Crazy.

Oh, just a heads up, but Opeth is amazing.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Pictures of piercing.

Here they are. If you haven't seen them yet. My newest piercing. =D

I <3 it. A lot.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Immeasurably exciting

I had a fairly amazing day.

Woke up, went to school. School was normal. Somewhat boring.

After school however. I went down to instincts adornment. I went in for a consultation to find out whether I would be able to get the piercing that I had wanted originally. Unfortunately my face isn't fat enough for what I had wanted. Therefore I had to decide on another. I ended up with another ear piercing. Between my consultation and the actual appointment my mother and I went to Kelly O's for lunch. Then we went back and I got it done and it is amazing. Once I find my cord for the camera. I will post pictures here. Also once I have found the camera I will email those I promised. It will be grand.

Once finished with the whole piercings shenanigans I went to the driving placey thingy and wrote my L test once again. Again, unfortunately I passed. A great tragedy. Quite disappointed.

Wait a minute...

Anyways. So I finished that, my mother changed the insurance on the car and I am ready for the driving shtick.

Umm, I don't have pictures this very second. I am going to go find the cord and such so that I can put some up.

Ok, here is a picture of my L. Because that is all you get to see till Friday night.

Sorry about the head tilting.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Ok, so.

The decision to make my blog private. Not a difficult one when you find out that your aunt is reading it.

I was all like, "What!? No!"

Thus my decision to make this sucker private. I apologize for the inconvenience.

If I didn't know about my aunt was reading my blog I would have definitely never made my blog private. Too much hassle.

So again. Sorry about the private deal. Totally worth the privacy though.

Tootles. =)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Private Coming Soon

So, I have made the difficult decision to hide my blog from the viewing public. This is my "two weeks notice"

By two weeks notice I mean like, by Tuesday I am thinking this sucker will be quite private.

So! If you would like to still be able to read this blog machine, I would suggest that you let me know. Via comments or email or facebook or something.

Yeah. There we go.

Let me know. Sooon.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I really really enjoy this song. A lot.

Audience of One

I can still remember
The words and what they meant
As we etched them with our fingers
In years of wet cement
The days blurred into each other
Though everything seemed clear
We cruised along at half speed
But then we shifted gears

We ran like vampires from a thousand burning sons
But even then we should have stayed
But we ran away
Now all my friends are gone
Maybe we've outgrown all the things that we once loved
But what are we running from?
A show of hands from those in this audience of one
Where have they gone?

Identities assume us
As nine and five add up
Synchronizing watches
To the seconds that we lost
I looked up and saw you
I know that you saw me
We froze but for a moment
In empathy

I brought down the sky for you but all you did was shrug
You gave my emptiness a name
But you ran away
Now all my friends are gone
Maybe we've outgrown all the things that we once loved
But what are we running from?
A show of hands from those in this audience of one
Where have they gone?

We're all ok, until the day we're not
The surface shines, while the inside rots
We raced the sunset and we almost won
We slammed the brakes, but the wheels went on

We ran away
Now all my friends are gone
Maybe we've outgrown all the things that we once loved
But what are we running from?
A show of hands from those in this audience of one
Where have they gone?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A few things

I don't know how long this will be. Hopefully pretty long. I could use a longer post. I have been pretty neglectful lately.

Ok! Topic.

Playing in a band setting. Is. Freaking. Sweet. I am a fan. Seriously. Loved it. For those of you who have no idea as to what I am referring to. I am playing for our youth worship band. Which is pretty rad. We didn't have one before two weeks ago, and we have already played once. Totally awesome.

Oh, by the way. I play the bass. Electric bass. An excellent instrument.

Umm, so yeah. Playing in a band is rocking. The rest of youth was okay. I felt pretty out of it today. Sort of on the fringe of everything looking in, but enough of that.

The other thing I wanted to put here is this amazing orchestra type thingy. It's pretty much amazing. Seriously.

Diablo Swing Orchestra

At the top of the page on the left, click on Balrog Boogie. It's brilliant.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A hike

Just a bit of a wienie post to throw up.

Went for a fairly awesome hike today. Spent the majority of the time with Nadine and Alex. Was very good. I rather enjoyed myself. Some good winds and such.

Umm, after the hike we went to Tim Horton's for some relaxation stuff. This was also good. I mooched quite a bit I must say. Twas good altogether though.

Now, for some filler. I did mention this was a wienie post. Get over it you children.

How to Dilate your Pupils on Command

H.P. Papercraft

Those were links to something amusing and something hilarious.

Have fun y'all.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Been a week.

I totally posted this before I wrote anything in it. =P

So now I am editing it, or filling it in. Whichever works for you I suppose.

Ok, so I got back from my cadet exercise yesterday at like... 1530ish. I got home and I was dead. So tired... I haven't been sleeping well lately. Staying up till all hours of the night. Getting up at early o' clock. The whole teenager stick. So my own stupid sleep patterns compounded with an exercise = tired.

The exercise. Wow. Where to start. At the beginning I suppose. Got to the hall on Friday at 1630. Was supposed to be there at 1400. So I was a bit late; however, the only other NCO there was Larina. So no-one really cared that I was late. On account of me being earlier than most everyone else. So I sort of just was there for a while. Did lots of nothing. At least until my CO called me into the office. I go in there, she tells me to sit down. So I do. She then tells the other officers to leave and she locks the door. I'm like... oh man. What the heck. She turns to me and tells me that the door is locked to keep us from being interrupted. I am still like, what the crap. She then proceeded to give me this like half hour speech thing about my decision to quit cadets. As she is talking I am thinking to myself about how she is right overall. My timing to decide to quit sort of sucks donkey. Not that it will change my mind ultimately. I might stick around for a while longer. Just long enough to wrap a few things up though. Figure out who is going to succeed me. Once that is figured out though. I am out of there. Anyways, we finished talking and as I walked out she told me to go get changed into combats. So I did. The rest of the weekend I spent in combats. Blarg. Definitely not my favorite clothing. I wore this sweater that is made out of wool. DND wool. It sucked a lot. It's only saving grace is how warm it is. Like, I only had that sweater and a shirt on the entire weekend. I was mostly warm the entire weekend. It was amazing. So we did some standard stuff at the hall. Just handing out kit and making sure everyone had their rucksacks together properly. Then we found out we were staying at the hall overnight instead of going out into the field. Which is a bonus. Less time in the cold. So really the rest of Friday was well, a whole bunch of nothing and then sleep.

Got up at 545 Saturday morning. Which is very very wrong I might add. Woke up, got dressed. Woke up the cadets at 600. Got everything together. Headed out into the field at 700. Arrived at sometime. Did some things. Not too many interesting things happened. One of the cadets got hit in the head with a rock. He bled all over the place. But that is about it.

Sunday was a day of excitement. After morning stupid stuff. We went on a bike ride. Which was awesome. It was a twenty km ride. Took us two hours. It was intense. So much fun. Need to do it again some time soon. I almost died like three times. So great.

Umm, that seems to be it for now. I can't think of anything else witty and hilarious. Not that any of that was witty and hilarious. I think I might go get a soda though. Mmmm soda.

Monday, October 20, 2008

An anecdote

"I couldn't have killed him officer" Sheila exclaimed, "I was in the kitchen all day cooking a turkey!"

The police officer cocked his head to the left and smirked. "A murder turkey!?"

A look of utter surprise stole across Sheila's face, "What? No, a Thanksgiving turkey. I did not kill that man."

"Well then. I am going to be keeping an eye on you Miss Descartes. Don't leave town anytime soon." With that the police officer replaced his forge cap and exited the door to his right. A moment later the officer came back through that door. "You keep a neat closet Miss Descartes. Where is the door out exactly?"

I sort of came up with this because of the murder mystery that I participated in recently. I find it thoroughly amusing.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

It has been too long.

Five days is too long to not be blogging. I feel bad for not blogging. Which is weird. Maybe because a blog is more for others than for yourself? Maybe.

What have I been up to? Not much. I had a midterm last week. It was pretty easy. Well it felt easy. Which means I probably failed miserably. Probably. Um, I also have a project I am supposed to research. Which I should probably do sooner rather than later. But school is unimportant in comparison to blogging.

Couple of interesting things have happened in mine life of insanity. Not that I will divulge these things to the interweb though. So if you know me. I suppose you could ask. I might even tell you. Hehe. Neener.

Uh something I don't care if crazy stalker folks know about. I am quitting cadets. For sure. As soon as I have my papers that let me get my credits.(I get credits through cadets. 12 of them.) Once I have those credits. I am done. I will attend this weekends exercise because they are fun and they need help for them. So I will assist with that. Then I am handing in my uniform. No more short haircuts for me. Hehe. Oh and more piercings! Yay for that.

Uh what else?

Nothing! For now.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


A question for you.

Does it make me heartless to eat meat?

Does it make me heartless to watch some of the videos out there that showcase the brutality shown towards animals raised for consumption and not feel bad for them?

I just watched an eleven minute clip on animal cruelty. It showed me some of the terrible things done to animals during the slaughter process. It showed me many a thing that I believe were supposed to make me feel ill. To give up entirely on eating meat. To give up on endorsing this sort of destruction. Really though, it didn't bother me much at all. Ok, so I'm not a machine. I think it is somewhat wrong to abuse the animals. In the end it really doesn't bother me though. Or, it bothers me as much as stepping on a bug. Which isn't much I might add. Now I am not going to say that I am against having better conditions for animals. That's fine by me really but then, that's really because I feel sickened by the condition of some of the meat that I might be eating. Not the condition of the animal. Just the meat. Some of it looks really nasty. Cows with lesions and tumors are still considered kosher apparently. So I might be eating that stuff. Which is gross. Better conditions would cut down on the gnarly bits that I would eat.

Which brings me back to the heartless bit. Am I heartless because I don't really care? Should I even care? Do the animals matter that much?

Again. It wouldn't bother me to see them in better conditions. However I am not bothered by their current conditions either.

So, heartless? Or practical?

I don't know.

Hopefully this post doesn't freak too many people out. =P

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Metamorphosis

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a monstrous vermin.

Now, replace Gregor Samsa with your name. The pronouns with the gender appropriate pronoun and monstrous vermin with the gender opposite of you.

Actually a better way to put it would be something like this.

What would my life have been like if I had been born a girl? Or boy. Applicably.

Am I the only one who has thoughts like this?

Seriously though. What would be different? Who would I be friends with? What would I look like? Who would I like? Who would like me? Would I have joined Cadets? Would I have started going to church? Would I be blogging? Would I still do musical stuff? Would I be a similar person overall? Or a completely different person?

So many questions. I actually spent almost a full hour last night laying on my bed, in the dark thinking about this. So to say that I am genuinely curious would be a bit of an understatement.

I wish I could dream a second life. Have it be just as real as this one. The same in every way, except that I would be a girl. It would be absolutely fascinating. To see the differences.

How about you internet stalker folks? What do you think? Have you thought about this before?

Oh, in a completely different direction. I just recently borrowed three Rise Against cds. Which are, "Siren Song of the Counter Culture" "The Sufferer & The Witness" and the newest cd, "Appeal to Reason". I enjoy them. A lot. In fact, I will give you the names of the songs I like the most. Look up the lyrics to the songs yourselves you lazy heathens.

"Appeal to Reason"
Long Forgotten Sons
Kotov Syndrome
From Heads Unworthy
"The Sufferer & the Witness"
Ready to Fall
Prayer of the Refugee
"Siren Song of the Counter Culture"
Give It All
Dancing For Rain
Swing Life Away

These are all very excellent songs. There are others as well, I am just to lazy to write them here.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Prayer Request

Ok, so not quite what I had in mind when I said I needed blog ideas but I will run with it.

So I need a job. I am out of money. I have debts to pay. Actually I really need a job.

Unfortunately, I am a twit and almost refuse to work at some lame-o fast food place. (No offense intended towards my friendlies who work at assorted fast food places.)

So that cuts out all the easy jobs to get.

Really it comes down to pray for me to find a job that I will survive.

Much appreciated.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I want to blog. Actually I want to blog really badly.

Unfortunately I have no creative juice. None. Zip.

This is why lately I have been using lame nonsense posts to fill up space. Like this one.

Maybe soon I will have something good to blog about. I can always hope.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Manatees (family Trichechidae, genus Trichechus) are large, fully aquatic marine mammals sometimes known as sea cows. The name manatí comes from the Taíno, a pre-Columbian people of the Caribbean, meaning "breast". They contain three of the four living species in the order Sirenia, the other being the dugong, which is native to the Eastern Hemisphere. The Sirenia is thought to have evolved from four-legged land mammals over 60 million years ago, with the closest living relatives being the Proboscidea (elephants) and Hyracoidea (hyraxes).

Now then. Why you ask? Really it's because Manatees are freaking sweet. Now, some pictures.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

A rather quick weiney post.

I don't like the whole, don't post for five days thing that I do most of the time.

So, here is a weiney post instead.

It's lyrics and a link! How original!


The song is called Tong Hua. It is normally sung in Mandarin. But I am lazy and don't want to learn Mandarin. Or to memorize it. So. I have the English version. I am so sneaky. Haha

Tong Hua (Fairytale)

Forgot how long it's been
since I last heard you
telling me 'bout your fav'rite story
thought for a long time,
began to worry.
Is it me who did something wrong?

You cried and said to me
that fairytales are all just lies.
I couldn't be your fairytale prince.
but you don't understand
since you gave me your hands
stars in my sky began to shine.

I'm willing to change into
The angel in those fairy tales
Just turn my arms into wings and hold you near.
You must believe, believe that we will be like a fairytale,
ending with happiness and love.

You cried and said to me
that fairytales are all just lies.
I couldn't be your fairytale prince.
but you don't understand
since you gave me your hands
stars in my sky began to shine.

I want to be your fantasy
The angel that you used to love.
Just turn my arms into wings and hold you near.
You must believe, believe that we will be like a fairytale,
ending with happiness and love.

I wish to be your fantasy.
The angel that you used to love.
Just turn my arms into wings and hold you near.
You must believe, believe that we will be like a fairytale,
ending with happiness and love.

Here is the original Mandarin version as well.

(Pardon the video.)


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A thought on blogs

It's true a focused blog post. Those don't happen very often in this neck of the woods. It's all crazy and non linear and confusing over here, but I digress.

(Oooh I love saying that... "but I digress"... hehe.)

I was sitting in my loverly chair here in front of my poopy computer and was stalking yonder blog list. I suddenly thought about why I read blogs. I realize that it has something to do with boredom and something to do with an interest in other peoples lives, especially the parts of peoples lives that we don't normally participate in. Correct me if I am wrong on those aforementioned parts.

Now this crazy thing that popped into my mind was that I tend to read blogs because it feels like I am standing next to the person. I feel like they are telling me a story and to tell you the honest and honestly not so degrading truth, I like me a good story. However what makes a story special? If Stephen Hawking read you a story it would suck. Seriously. It is the different writing styles and mannerisms that everyone puts into their writing. By the way I use everyone loosely. I am sure there is a robot somewhere that writes a very boring blog post.

Returning to my idea. Isn't that what makes a blog post interesting? Reading a post and being able to imagine the person beside you? When I read Josh's blog for example I can hear him saying what he wrote. Likewise for the greater majority of the people I follow. This may be one of the reasons why I tend only to read the blogs of people that I know. I find it difficult to care about what someone ate for supper unless I actually know them. Which is what a blog is about sometimes. Supper posts are awesome!

Anyways, I found it interesting. My voices were chatting about my idea while I typed and it only makes more and more sense. Although the voices are getting louder and it is getting harder to pay attention. Perhaps I should go to bed. Soonish at least.

Intelligent thoughts aside, what did I do today?

Wouldn't you like to know? No? You wouldn't. I knew it! You fiend! Vile nasty fiend you!

Fine then, I won't tell you what I did today.

Okay, I apologize for calling you names, but I am not telling you what I did today.

No, don't try and guilt me into it.

My day wasn't even that interesting.

Well, biology was long. It felt like the full two hours today, which is strange. It was nice to get out of there. Walking outside was a nice change of pa... hey!

I said no explanation of my day!

I leave you before you sneak more out of me!



P.S. Hehehe 101!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


One hundred is a lot.

I don't really have a particularly fascinating post planned for this momentous occasion so instead I will randomly pull things from wikipedia to chat about. Until I get bored, at that time I will post it. So, I am starting this blog post at 2213 on Sept. 17. We shall see when it is posted. Isn't that interesting!?

So much for that plan. I give up. Laziness is fun.

In replacement I will attempt to fill this space with other things. Maybe some pictures? Sure, I will see what I have.

Yeah that's good.

I think that in commemoration everyone who reads this post should make a silly comment. Silly is a priority.

Be silly.

It's silly.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Back into the swing o' things

Really aren't we all now?

Things to do on almost every day. I rather enjoy having lots to do. So long as there is a day for the sleeping. Which is currently saturday, although that may change. Ah well.

So I really don't have much to say, no insights into life or hilarious tales of my own misfortune. Well actually not true. However the insight and the misfortune are neither fun reads or hilarious. Which generally goes against the grain of this here blog machine. So I will forgo that tale.

Erm, really nothing. Oh, that is sort of mentionable.

As many of you know by now I sort of have this thing for piercings. Some of you appreciate my taste, others look at me with interesting looks now. Nevertheless I rather enjoy them. Piercings I mean. The reason for this spiel is that I recently realized that I will be able to get my labret piercing. Which for you uninformed heathens out there is a lip piercing. I will most likely be to the right side of my mouth and will again most likely be a ring. I am very excited. I expect to get it done as soon as camp is over next year. So by the end of next summer.

In case you were wondering, which I am sure you are considering that you are reading this I will now tell you what I have mapped out for piercings as best I can. Bear with me.

By the time I am completely finished with getting my piercings I should be around 17 of them. This is an educated guess which is very much subject to change. Hopefully I will be able to finish my plans without turning into that guy that parents fear their daughters will bring home. So from the top and by the top I mean my ears I have already gotten two, lobes. Normal traditional piercings. The next things on my ears will be two industrial bars on my left or right ear. From there my opposite ear will have a few rings coming down my ear, towards the top of my ear I am thinking. From the ears I will move to the nose, one stud or ring on my nose. I am not sure which side. Nose to eyebrows, I want to have three on my eyebrows, two on one and one on the other. Eyebrows to eye, I want to get two done next to my eye. These ones are hard to explain, if you are really interested ask me. It's really easy to explain in person. Eyes to lip, one on my lip as aforementioned. Lip to my strangest one. I want to get my collarbones pierced. They are called clavicle piercings and I want to get one on each collarbone. These will most likely be the last ones I get done. This is because my mommy says not till I move out. Hehehe. I think I frighten her with my new found taste in metal.

There it is. A semi complete description of my facial augmentation/piercing. Really depends on who you ask though. I say augmentation/awesomesauce. Tim says... "What the heck are those things hanging from your ears!?"

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bass ace

Or not...

I got a bass today. My own bass. It's pretty neato.

I know, awesome right.

Friday, September 5, 2008

So, bus system hey.

I sat and waited for almost an hour before I realized that my bus didn't go the direction that I was waiting for it to go. So I feel super smart today. Hopefully I get better.

I think they should replace the bus system with some far more practical. Teleportation. I mean everybody is doing it. Faster, less gas cost. The only possible downside being the complete destabilization of your molecular structure. You would only be breaking a few of the laws of physics too. A win-win in my eyes.

To make my post longer and more meaningful I will put up another picture of my cat. This is because she is awesome.

Thursday, September 4, 2008



First lessons that had nothing to do with guitars today.

Flute and vocal in case you are out of the loop.

They were pretty awesome. My voice instructor is a nice lady. "Bill" for all intents and purposes. "Bill" has been singing for a long time, and has some background in opera. So she is intense. We did some warm ups and she checked my range and it was good fun. Now my flute instructor on the other had seems to be somewhat of a jerk. "Sue" again for all intents and purposes. He has been playing flute since he was twelve. He is older than twelve now and is no push over at the flute. I think I have a lot to learn from him. Still he seems like a jerk. He told me that he didn't care what happened to me and how well I do so long as he has the opportunity to practice some higher level stuff on his flute. Which I suppose can work for me. We shall leech off each other like the hilarious leech faces that we are. Except he gets money for it. Bollocks.

Aria got spayed today. She is a bit wonky. Still my favorite silly kitty though, while I was trying to feed her earlier she attempted to climb my leg and missed entirely I assume because the world was moving in a direction she isn't accustomed to. Drugs and cats are a funny combination.

Anything else fantastic to tell you about? No.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One more

What do you think of the new design. Not drastically different. Maybe more?

Input is lovely.

By the way, if you read this and I know you I probably love you. Each in your own unique and freaking sweet way.

Just so you know.


It's almost as if everyone has up and died on me. Including myself.

No one is posting! What the heck! If you read this and are ashamed at the non posty state of your blog you have only one course of action. Blog you heathens!

To a more cuddly topic.

I has kitten now.

Rawr! I has kitten!

She is grey with orange. She is about nine weeks old. Her name is Aria. She is smexy and awesome. Seriously. I can't wait to get some pictures up for you. Like the most amazing kitten ever. Ever!

I love my kitten.

Other news, I got a new flute today. A two thousand dollar flute. Blarg. I also signed up for flute and vocal lessons today. Busy day? Yes. Over? No.

Another new thing for today. Orientation day for university. I should know. I was there! No I am not quite graduated yet. I finishing up my high school through TRU. So the rest of my year will be spent partially at the university scene. Should be freaking sweet.

Anything else?


As soon as I have a picture I will put it up. I promise.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Stair Master

So about half an hour ago I did combat with the most formidable opponent in my house.

The stairs.


I stood up from some video gaming and head rush and pass out. Fell down the stairs. Actually Bryce tells me that it was more of a flight than a fall.

So that is my hilarious tale for tonight.


My back hurts. :(

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I am back.

Now for the reintegration to blogging.

Gah so much story.

Instead of telling you everything about camp I am going to take the easy way out and tell you to ask me. It will be easier on my fingers I assure you.

Interesting things since I got back? Of course.

I got my ears stretched again. Which means I finally got my cool earrings. So exciting.

What else. Bryce Haley, a friend from camp last summer came to Vernon to see the closing ceremonies. After these closing ceremonies he came back to Kamloops with my family and I. So he is here from now till Saturday. It will be epic.

Anything else? Not really.

I do have something to close with however. Something that needs to be said more often but isn't. Something overlooked very often.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I wish Hell would freeze over...

I wouldn't mind wearing winter gear for a while.

Vernon is good. Kinda slow. Couple of little stupid things. But mostly good.

Work is the stupid thing. I got my job. I am the Flute Instruter at the Vernon Army Cadet Summer Training Center School of Music. Sergeant by the way. 70$ a day. Life is good. It will be better when I finally get paid. Soon...

Not too much to report. Uh, a couple of stories to be told but none that would be good blogging material.

I miss you all tons and tons. Especially those of you who I who won't be home as soon as I am. You know who you are. I don't.

By the way, in case you are curious I come back on the 16th of August. So I am super excited for that.

Miss you!

With love,


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Around the World in 11 Days

And we are off. An adventure I tell you.

Haiti for 11 days. Absolutely crazy. Pray for us. Remember us. Don't worry too much about us. We will be fine. The most powerful being in all of creation and beyond is on our side.

I love you all and have a wonderful 11 days.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Maestros Folly

Josh and I are music geniuses. Josh is a little computer challenged though. I am not. I even figured out the problem. Ask us. It is a hilarious story.

We did manage to record a songish thing. I will attempt to get it up onto either my blog or Josh's. Fear this recording.

Waterslides tomorrow. In Vernon. Shame on those who are not attending. I don't even care as to what possible excuse you have. It isn't good enough. Work. Pff. Things. Pff. Lame.

I can't think of anything else to write for the life of me.

Uh, I will try to post one more time before I leave for Haiti. So until then. Feliz Navidad.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Let me know what you think

I open my eyes and I feel
Always there an infinite dark reminder
Fall again and all will be well
It lies I know, honeyed words hard not to believe

Once more rake the flesh
Come back to reality
A promise of normalcy
This addiction of blood and pain

Razor sharp slides
Opening a channel of sanity
Permanent consequences
For a temporary solution

Truly the great battle
Fought alone and at home
The only true way to sanity
Lies in never letting go

I like the first two stanzas. Not so much on the second two.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I suppose I should post a bit more before I go to Haiti and Camp and stuff. As per the whole I might be able to post once or twice during the summer. I will miss blogging... hahaha. No.

Tuesday, went to Value Village with Josh. Wow, I have never really shopped there before. I was a bit shocked. Go ahead laugh. I don't shop much in the first place. Then shopping at Value was crazy. Got some good stuff though.

Wednesday. Youth. I am pretty sure that is all that I did.

Today. Was really quite un-worky... up until 3:30ish. My mum got home from work and she told me we were going shopping. Whee more shopping. (By the way now that I am finished I look back and think, Whee! more shopping. Happy thoughts. Good times and the such.) Went to the mall. We started by going to a hair place to make appointments for tomorrow morning. Haircut tomorrow morning by the way, if you didn't get that from the last sentence. :P Anyways, the next thing we did was go and get bags for carry on stuff. My backpack from school was wearing really thin so I got a new backpack. I will use it for multiple things I am sure. It is pretty fantastic by the way. If I figure out where our camera cord is I will put up pictures. Next we went up to Coast Mountain to look for tilly hats. We failed at that. I did however find some stylin' sunglasses. I lurve them. A lot. Uh, after that I went down to Coles and browsed for a while. Then my mum dragged me to Thrifty's. I felt so dirty in there. I ended up getting a shirt and four pairs of shorts. Wow, four pairs of shorts and a shirt for like 70 bucks. I was impressed. Then we went to boston pizza. Then we came home. Super.

Well, that is the summary of my fantastic life. Hehe, funny.

Oh, funny story. On Tuesday I think, I woke up to someone calling for me to get out of bed. I sat up, thought to myself was that Dad? Or Mum? Why do I have to ask myself this question. I got dressed went upstairs and asked my Mum, "Did you call me?" She was baffled. All like, "No way! I never wake you up! You can sleep forever and I would never wake you!". Actually she just said no. I then asked her if Dad was still at home. Another no. The voices in my head woke me up. Awesome.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

School of Rock!

I do enjoy this movie.

Uh, well the grad thinger on Friday was really quite fun. I do enjoy American Idol a bit more than I should. I don't let that bug me though. Some good badminton and some excellent videos.

Saturday was good for the most part. The earlier part anyways. If you don't know what I mean ask me. I might tell you if I want to dredge in my mind sewer where I put nasty memories.

Sunday was neato. Church. Went to my grandpa's house for lunch, I got to visit with sorta-cousins. Then we came home and I dug some turf and sweat. Didn't you want to hear about me sweating. I did.

Anyways small update from me.

Face melter!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ze dream

I took a dream that I had recently and dramatized it to make this story. It is a little strange as per the dreamlike quality. It is also a little mooshy.

After shifting into this new dreamscape I examined the room hurriedly. Determining I was no longer in danger I quickly moved into the next room. Large banisters cris-crossed the ceiling of the large room. A stage was buried under streamers and present boxes at the other end of the room. Seconds after arriving in the room a voice rose above the rest.

"There's the man of the hour!"

I looked around me and rapidly realized I was the only
one in his line of sight. I assumed he was talking about me. Indistinct faces flooded around me. Having just come from a nightmare dreamscape I was afraid. One man shoved through, I recognized him loosely as a real world friend, Kyle. He pulled me out of the crush of bodies and embraced me.

"And how is the Groom to be?" he asked. I started violently. Groom? Nonsense, what the hell is going on here.

I laughed nervously, "Groom to be? What do you mean exactly?"

"I thought it was quite clever actually. Man you must be so excited to finally commit to her."

"Commit? What in God's name are you talking about?"

"Damn, can't use any of my terms with you today can I. Commit, I thought it summed up the idea quite nicely. Not old enough to marry but still capable of making a life long commitment. Now come on we have to get you to the stage or you will be late." Kyle and I proceeded to the stage, he moved me in front of the minister and I stood there. Quite still, the attempts I was making to straighten out what was going on were failing quite miserably.

All of the sudden everyone out on the floor separated and made an aisle straight down the center. The door flew open and she was there. Physically she was the same as someone I know and yet I knew it wasn't her. Music engulfed me as I watched her come down the aisle. Aliah, that is what her name was. The name and the face didn't fit the real life equivalent but her in the dreamscape it was the only way she made sense.

She finally made it to myself and the minister after what seemed an eternity. She stood next to me, radiant in the simple white dress. The minister began to speak but I heard none of it. The choir of heaven sang sweetly into my ears as I stared at her. The longer I stared the more I came to understand about her. She glanced over at me and smiled. Heavens choir paled in comparison. I knew that whatever this dream was I never wanted to leave. The minister finished speaking and we turned to each other. We embraced and thunderous clapping replaced angel's voices. One step together and another shift. Dark but for the moon's pale light though the window. I was in my bed. In the same room my real world self was currently inhabiting. Lying on my right side at the end of the bed I rolled over to find a more comfortable position only to find her sharing the other half of the queen sized bed. Her eyes opend drowsily, I smiled and she returned it. This was joy, having someone you loved share your bed. She put her arm around me and held me close. I returned the gesture and put my arm around her. We lay there together and I was complete.

The rest of the dream was dumb. I got up moved some stuff and found out I was in a haunted manor. Then my mum woke me up.

By the way, for clarification purposes the dream was very explicit about the non-sexuality of sharing the bed. Just so you know. Don't think my dreams are weird just because they are.

Hope you enjoyed it anyways.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A post.

Well, a few things.

In these upcoming couple of weeks I will one day find my behind seated once more in the dentist's chair. Oh boy. No actually. I will be there for a slightly different reason than most visits. Very different reason. I will be there for Microdermabrasion. I am doing this in hopes of A. Removing the stains on my teeth, or B. Significantly reducing said stains. The stains were formed on my teeth when I was still quite young. I got a fever while the teeth were developing and Bam! stained teeth.

Uh, my cat went missing. We haven't seen her for days. She might be wandering the vast savanna of Aberdeen but I doubt it. Hopefully she will find her way home soon.

Dang, I was sure there was more to post about.

Oh, just to be creepy. If you are on the Haiti team, I know your middle name! Your address too. Mwahahaha!

I am in the process of writing a song. Just to make sure you understand, I don't write songs. I am really quite terrible when it comes to lyrics. Here is one verse, the only verse so far actually.

"Ceaselessly walking this self-same path
Dreams behind me life ahead
My mind is hardened against emotion
This is what happens when soul is dead."

I am not quite satisfied with the last line yet but there it is. Oh, well I have a intro too. I would want this whispered at the beginning of the song.

"Infinite stars overhead
Sand beneath my feet
No where for me to go
Is this really what I am here for?"

I am excited for the dinner thing tomorrow.

Oh and one last thing, I really do enjoy the new Disturbed Cd. I think that is a given though.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Money well spent.

I do enjoy this CD.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Write Love on Your Arms

If you have a Facebook accout go here

If not I will give the basics.

Check out this site as well if you haven't yet.

This week some folks over at the fanastic and totally authenic/legitimite facebook event groupy thing 'Write "Love" on your arms' have started an event. Shock! The purpose of the event is to well, write "love" on your arms. This paragraph keeps getting more and more redundant. I think that even though this event isn't sponsored by TWLOHA that it should be participated in. I am. I will be covering my arms in "love" as soon as I am done this post. To tell you the honest to cheesecake truth, I think that anyone who reads this should do so as well.

Thanks if you do. Thanks if you don't.

Actually terrible blistering shame if you don't. Blistering and terrible!

Get Fuzzy

If you don't know what it is, find out. Buy the collections. They are the proverbial poop. In a very exceptionally good way.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A whole lot of suck.

A lot of gritty and uninteresting details could go here. A day long story forced into a blog sized nut. My Sunday was atrocious. Church was good but mostly in anticipation for later. Later didn't happen and the rest of the day was bad. Bad bad. I don't really need to tell you about the bad stuff though so this is where I leave it.

Nothing much entertaining on this end of the universe let me tell you.

Check this out. It is mighty cute.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


What a good word to describe the last couple of days.

Except for the whole getting my braces removed shenanigans. That was fairly eventful.

An update on my life? Why would you crazies want that? The correct answer to that question is, "Cause I am a crazy person that is why!" My obvious rebuttal, "Get out of my head you foul cheese weasel!"

Friday, wake up. School. Lunch. Go to Kyle's house. Awesome. Going to Kyle's house is always fun, we play mindless video games. Watch clever movies and hilarious cartoons and be overall about as nerdy as a pair of 16 year olds can be. This time around for those of you who might have an idea as to what these things are I will tell you the details. Eeee details. We played some Garry's Mod and watched some Gargoyles. Then we ate some food. His family is very health food oriented so everything is organic and cooked properly. We had corn on ze cob. Oh wow. Oh wow. This corn tasted like angels I am most serious. More gaming. Sleep.
Saturday, wake up. Watched some Angry Beavers. Played some more games. Ate some pizza for lunch. Went for a long walk. Got back to his house. Had homemade frappuccino's. More epicness the fraps were. Then we played a few more games and then I went home. At home I lounged outside partially nekkid and listened to music and soaked in some sun.

Now that you are appropriately caught up with my life other interesting things.

Oh yeah I don't do interesting things. Bollocks.

Well I am off. If I can think of anything terribly interesting I will let you know tomorrow.

Have a day.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Sittin' in a chair,
Tis my favorite chair,
Wearin' a new hat,
Tis my favorite hat,
Drinkin' a new drink,
Not quite my favorite drink.

My poetry rocks the very foundations of the world.

Yesterday was terrible! Terrible terrible terrible. I can't even vent about it yet. Tomorrow. After youth I think. Until then I will fester.

Today was much better though. Got up at 3 o'clock this morning. My recommendation, don't wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning. The only good that came of that was I was able to watch two neat movies before anyone else woke up. Uh, I think they were called The Cocoon and The Cocoon: The Return. I enjoyed them. Moving along, went down to Instincts to get my ears stretched again. The lady said I should wait till next Monday. I was all "Fine, I will wait till next Monday wage slave." Actually I didn't say that. Actually I didn't even think anything along those lines. I was glad she was telling me that I could get it done soon. Then my mother and I ran around town doing errands. :p Errands. In the process of doing errands I got a new hat, fruit gushers(which I blame Hannah for) some fruit to go things, socks and sweatpants. Twas a good shopping. AH! I forgot, we went to Earls for lunch. It was ok. Not really a recommendation from me.

So I mentioned the hat that I got. I am really quite immensely pleased with it. I hope y'all lurve it too.


Going over to Kyle's house on Friday. Looking forward to spending some time there. I will miss hockey. Never thought I would ever say that sentence.

Been doing a lot of thinking, I really want to be able to do chords on my guitars. I also want to be able to improvise wellish. I really want to be able to write lyrics for music, but I ain't so great at lyrics. So in conclusion of this thinking I really want to be ubermusician but I am not. So I guess I will need to work on it. One day, I will be all awesome. Just you wait. Creepy teenage girls will sigh over posters of me. The occasional boy I suppose but that is still a bit weird for me... =)

And finally I leave you with... lyrics! I am so original. Using other people's music to express myself. Go me!
(Warning! Naughty words are used in the following song to describe emotions that really can't be described in other ways. Virgin eyes should avert from the following)

World So Cold

When passion's lost and all the trust is gone,
Way too far, for way too long
Children crying, cast out and neglected,
Only in a world so cold, only in a world
This cold
Hold the hand of your best friend, look into their eyes
Then watch them drift away
Some might say, we've done the wrong things,
For way too long, for way too long

Fever inside the storm,
So I'm turning away.
Away from the name
(Calling your names)
Away from the stones
(Throw sticks and stones)
'Cause I'm through mending the wounds of us

Keep your thorns
'Cause I'm running away,
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
Away from the space
(Hate this head space)
The circumstances of a world so cold

burning whispers, Remind me of the days,
I was left alone, in a world this cold
Guilty of the same things, provoked by
The cause,
I've left alone, in a world so cold
Fever inside the storm,
So I'm turning away.
Away from the name
(Calling your names)
Away from the stones
(Throw sticks and stones)
'Cause I'm through mending the wounds of us

Keep your thorns
'Cause I'm running away,
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
Away from the space
(Hate this head space)
The circumstances of a world so cold

I'm flying, I'm flying away,
Away from the names
(Calling your names)
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
The circumstances of a world so cold

Why does everyone feel like my enemy,
Don't want any part of depression or
Darkness, I've had enough
sick and tired, bring the sun, or I'm gone,
Or I'm gone

I'm backing out, I'm no pawn,
No mother-fucking slave to this,
Never lied
Never left
Never lived
Never loved
Never lost
Never hurt
Never worry about being me, or anyone else
Not a care, no concern, don't give a shit about

Backing out, giving up, no mother-fucking
Slave to this,
Never lied
Never left
Never lived
Never loved
Never lost
Never hurt
Never worry about being me, or anyone else
Not a care, no concern, don't give a shit about

I need to find a darkened corner,
A lightless corner,
Where it's safer and calmer,

I'm turning away.
Away from the name
(Calling your names)
Away from the stones
(Throw sticks and stones)
'Cause I'm through mending the wounds of us

I'm running away,
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
Away from the space
(Hate this head space)
The circumstances of a world so cold

I'm flying, I'm flying away,
Away from the names
(Calling your names)
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
The circumstances of a world so cold

Friday, May 9, 2008


Instincts was closed today! I have to wait till Tuesday for my ears. Sad face. I was going in to get them stretched again so that I can wear neato earrings. Now for the wait game.

Picked up the rest of my suit from Moores today. Gosh I am so super excited for Tri. Mostly for a good excuse to wear a suit. You know how it is. Or do you? Mwahahaha!


Oh! I have a thing to do now. If something worth posting comes up I know where this page is and I will return. I promise.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I have a busy weekend ahead of me. Or rest of my life. Something. I hope it is all busy, but who cares what I want right?

Today I am going out to buy a suit. Yes! So excited. After that I am sure my family will be going out to gorge ourselves and celebrate my mother's birthday. Food... yum.

Tomorrow. Uhh, getting my ears stretched again. Hopefully I will be able to pick up some shnazzy earrings while I am at it. That night I hope to be able to go to Cade's show thing.

Saturday is when the excitement begins in earnest. Get up in the morning go down to the Cadet hall. Drive to Vancouver. Attend the ball. Oh boy the ball. Wearing a suit. Dancing. Those of you who aren't going will miss out. Which I think is everybody who reads this. Shame on you for not living in Kamloops and not joining Cadets.

Come back to Kamloops at like four thirty the next morning. Play in the worship band. Become unconscious for a little while.

I really do enjoy times like this. Really do.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

I has goose egg.

Stupid headshots.

In further elaboration of previous statement. I got shot two or three freaking times today. In the head! My head isn't that big is it? Don't answer that.

Erm, I don't have a ton to post about. Yesterday was pretty neat. The car wash was a blast even if the sun was being a tomato. I will avenge my poor sudsy body at the next car wash. You have my word! Grr... frothing mouth moment. Iron Man was enjoyable. I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed myself. I enjoy being just nerdy enough to understand the hilarious references to comic book worlds. Not really quite nerdy enough to get them all but I digress.

Oh, that works. Mudvayne. I lurve it. I lurve it a lot. Go watch some of it right now. Don't watch Dig though. It might frighten you away. They got better after Dig. Here are a couple of link to my favoriter songs.

I am sad about teen class being done. Though I can't wait for the next thing to get started. Whatever that happens to be.

Running out of material here.

I think I am going to end up watching a movie tonight. Even though it is 2200 right now. I am just that H-core. "I watch movies late into the night! Chicks dig late night movies! Muscle posturing!" Blech. I feel like I have dirtied myself by writing that.

Oh, random fact of factfullness. There is a doctumentary on the word f**k. It uses that word 824 times. I quite frankly was f*****g astonished. ;)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Through the Veil

The razor fell through unfeeling hands, a torrent of tears soon followed. Disaster averted once more, the two of them fell to the floor. One an image of beauty, the other a nightmare unleashed. Hope smiled gently at the other.
"Not this time Sorrow. This one stands yet strong in The Lord."
The creature grinned a toothy grin. Their eyes locked firmly and neither was able to look away. The abominations voice could be easily compared to cats gargling nails.
"Each visit is another tie with you almighty shredded. This one will be mine, have no doubt."
Hope broke eye contact and shuddered involuntarily. Loss danced mercilessly upon his soul, for Hope knew that this one would soon give in.
"All things fit in The Greatest One's plan Sorrow. Neither you nor your master know how this one's damnation will end. I fully believe that should this one succumb to you many will be saved and brought before The Benevolent One because of the sacrifice of this one."
Sorrow laughed and a terrible noise it was. Claws clicked together in a mockery of a clap.
"If this one's life means so little to you and your "benevolent" one that you are willing to let this one die, why do you continue to combat me for it's soul?"
Hope took momentary solace in Sorrow's ignorance. The retort to this question sprung to Hope's mouth. Inspired my God.
"This one's life does matter. His life is far more beneficial to The Allknowing. This one's death would be tragic, but nevertheless it would still be a victory for us. However this one's life would be infinitely better. In any and all cases, we win daemon."
With this statement Hope lifted himself from the ground and leapt into the air.
"You will not have this one Sorrow. The Lord tells me this."
A flash of light and Hope was gone.
Sorrow raised himself soon after Hope departed. A tangled mess of legs sprouted from his misshapen core. Another noise emerged from the deviation, worse than the others by many a multiple. Sorrow screamed for his defeat.
The third one remained standing for yet another day.

Wrote that piece last night. It was kind of fun putting it all down on paper. Let me know what you think. Feedback is lovely.

Umm, not much else. Got my ears stretched a little. Went from a 20 gauge to a 16 gauge I believe. Soon I will be able to wear neat earrings. Yay for me.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


I did it. I played flute with worship.

Get over it! Gosh it's like I ate a white elephant or something.

Alright so I am not actually angry. I am flattered y'all. Thank you. I just don't handle compliments well. Either I ignore them or they go straight to my head and I screw up later.

The chili lunch was lacking I must say. Not quite enough help in the kitchen I must say. It was Alex, Josh and I. Doing dishes anyways.

The chili I grabbed wasn't to great either.

After church everyone went their separate ways. I really should have gone to soccer. My day would have turned out better if I had.

This last weekend and earlier and stuff I spent at Josh's house as some of you know. It was fantastic. Much better than being at home.

I hope the Starfield concert went well to all those who managed to get there.

Have a wonderful time till I next see you. :)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Weekend shenanigans

MI was good. Really good. Super good one might say. Not quite as amazing as last year. I think that is because it was darker last year and you know, we won. Not this year. At least we got caught the least.

Uh, went to a seven hour cadet guard duty thinger. It was terrible. The gun show. Stop snickering.

I will be going back to Joshua's house pretty soon here actually. I am excited. I don't really know why. We aren't going to do anything super like wrestle bears or anything.

The youth group should wrestle bears one day. That would be sweet.

Yeah I leave soon.

I really do like The Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars. Thanks Max.

Friday, April 25, 2008

In the lair of the beast.

Wait no, Josh's house.

Yeah, I am keeping Joshua company this weekend. Kurtus says that I am babysitting him. I think there may be some truth to that statement. Uhm thus far this week we have watched both Sweeney Todd and Dan in Real Life. Which by the way are both quite enjoyable. I think I may have enjoyed Dan in Real Life more somehow. Yesterday Josh and I went and participated in worship practice. It was quite exciting. I got my contacts yesterday as well.

By the way that was my surprise. Violet contacts. Unfortunately they don't work as well as I want them too. Ah well. I will get different stuff next time. If you really look you might notice that my eyes have a slight tinge to them.

Anyways. MI tonight. Tennis sooner than tonight. I am exploding with anticipation... weird.

By the way Coheed and Cambria is good but extremely creepy. He should not have that hair. Really, he shouldn't.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

♥♦what color is your essence?♣♠ (9 results|detailed)

PURPLEYour essence is purple! You are ethereal and balanced. You fully understand this earth and the people on it, but it is something you can't use words to describe. You have a very strong sense of self, and no matter what happens to you, what changes in you never changes because someone told you to. You hate to argue; and when you do, its often about your beliefs or what's wrong and what can be justified. You are very dynamic and mood-swingy, you might want to stay inside reading or painting one day and the next you might want to run around outside. You are very creative and have distractabilty.There's actually a chance you have some amount of psychic power, so look into it if you're interested. You know how people's minds work and you keep secrets. I wouldn't doubt your advice or judgment.
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

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Weird. My current favorite color is probably purple. ;p

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Small post

I moved my room around. The new layout is really quite nice. Now I don't have to close the door to plug in my amp. Erhm, the program on my computer continues to severely bother me.

Went to the movie thing last night. Liz's last thing. Sad sad day.

By the way. We miss you already Liz. All of us in my head. Hope you enjoy that video as much as we enjoyed making it.

I am excited for Mission Impossible. Oh wow.

Oh! Thursday I get my surprise for everybody. It isn't particularly super but I am excited. See if you can notice what it is.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I do have something to blog about.

I absolutely F*@$!%# hate the program my Dad put on my computer.

That is a lot by the way.

It limits my computer time and takes up space and is stupid.


I got my First Aid qualification so if you try to die I will stop you and save you and win medals. Success for Matt!

Umm, I was going to go to the Pillars conference but now I am not. It would over lap with Mission Impossible and that is unacceptable. So no to Pillars and MI is a go.

Oh, more song lyrics for you.

Time of Dying
Three Days Grace

On the ground I lay
Motionless in pain
I can see my life flashing before my eyes
Did I fall asleep?
Is this all a dream
Wake me up, I'm living a nightmare

I will not die (I will not die)
I will survive

I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying

On this bed I lay
Losing everything
I can see my life passing me by
Was it all too much
Or just not enough
Wake me up, I'm living a nightmare

I will not die (I will not die)
I will survive

I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying

I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Day 1 down.

Wooie one day down and one part of the test done. Or something.

So, Josh and I are doing a standard first aid course and it is going pretty well. I am enjoying it anyways. Learning about how to save all your weaselly lives.

I will update some more on the first aid topic tomorrow.

I ought to start a new blog. A private blog entirely for me. So that I can rant and rave. I won't. I should though. No, no I won't.

Hopefully I will be getting myself a super cool surprise for Wednesday. If not, then for Friday. Oh boy. I am stoked.

To fill up space, I leave you with an often misquoted passage from The Divine Comedy.

"Through me you pass into the city of woe:
Through me you pass into eternal pain:
Through me among the people lost for aye.
Justice the founder of my fabric moved:
To rear me was the task of Power divine,
Supremest Wisdom, and primeval Love.
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure.
All hope abandon, ye who enter here."

The Divine Comedy
Canto III
Dante Aligheri

Monday, April 14, 2008

Why do I do this?

I am whipped.

Uhh, summary.

Last Thursday was the first good band night I have participated in for a long time. Success.

Friday was insane. Good insane, but insane nonetheless. Got up went to worldview class. Twas good/interesting/good. After worldview I stayed at the Geddert's house for lunch. We (we being Josh Mr Dan and I) went and helped this lady move from the second floor to the third floor in her apartment. It was oodles of fun. Oodles I say. Josh and I got 25 dollar gift cards for Starbucks. Yes! Well kinda yes. I felt bad about accepting them but what do you say to giftcards? "No no, you keep that 25 dollar starbucks giftcard." Yeah, didn't think so. After that we went and helped Roger and Shelly move and new TV from Downtown Core out to Barnhartvale. Yuck. Driving is dumb. Josh stole a chair from Roger. It was silly. After this I went home and vegetated for a little while before going back out to socialize with the youth crowd. Bowling for the win. Throw some Jackie Chan in the mix and you have a nigh perfect Friday.

Saturday was dumb. I don't remember doing anything on Saturday. If I am severely wrong let me know.

Sunday was Airsoft. Oh epic Airsoft. There was blood and some whining. Hotdogs and Hamburgers. Many BB's. A whole lot of sneaking and some funny conversation saturated in foul language. Those shooty guys like their cussing.

Monday was decent. No more. Got up. Didn't want to get up. Went to the office and did some school. Only a little though. Not quite satisfied with today. Went to my appointment. It was okay. I am not going to tell you what the appointment was about. No I am not pregnant. Cadets was alright. Had to teach a lesson that I had no idea about. Whatever. Used to it by now.

Erhm, moose.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I got accepted.

Hooray! Super happy dance... CARAMELLDANSEN! Or something similarly happy.

I will be a Sergeant at VACSTC this summer. Hopefully in the School of Music. If not then in Bravo company, which is the band company. If not then finally in Hotel. I hope not though. Hotel is the band company for basics. I could do basics but I would rather not. If they try to put me somewhere else I will be staying home for the summer. I will stop being negative now. Happy dance some more.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Hehehehehehe oh the joy this silly thing brought me.
The video is just a loop of them dancing like that for the entire song. So you don't need to watch the entire thing. Turn the song on and then do something else.
It isn't the best quality video but the song is fine.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Wow this weekend has sucked.

I have done nothing this weekend. I hate it.

I want to go out and do things. However I want a lot of things. I understand that what I want isn't usually going to happen. That is the way this world works isn't it. Piffle.

Church was okay. No complaints.

I guess that is one of the reasons why I want to do things. So that I actually have material to blog about. I feel so lame not actually posting anything.

By the way, one day I will put up the rest of my week from Vernon. I am just being extremely lazy. Sorry.

Don't you hate it when you get on Msn and there is one person you don't want to talk to and a bunch of people you do want to talk with. I hate that. You sign in to talk to the other people and that one person starts talking to you and you are just like "Go Away!" but they don't get it? Rrrr. This is someone from camp who keeps trying to talk to me. It drives me nuts. But enough about my silly Msn troubles.

Don't use ostrich eggs as conditioner only hives may come of that.

P.S. New colors. What do you think?

Friday, April 4, 2008

Long Time

Ok, so I actually need to emphasize just how amazing Saosin's You're Not Alone is. It is The amazing. I love this song really a lot.

Watched Rendition tonight. I would recommend that movie to anyone willing to sit through a little realistic torture. None of that Saw crap. The real stuff that is actually going on in the Middle East.

Umm, youthy groupy classy thingy was good today. I quite enjoyed learning questions to shatter the humanist ideal. That video is so funny. By the way, I put inside jokes in to alienate those who don't understand them. Just so you know.

Tennis was tennis as it usually is. I hate sports. As soon as I get confident in my ability I completely lose it. I start doing well. Then I start to think that maybe I am not quite as bad as I keep telling myself that I am. Then I start failing again. That is the reason why I don't do sports.

Overall a good Friday.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Figured something out.

It is called To Write Love On Her Arms. I am amazed at how often things like this will come up and bite me straight on the nose. It is a non-profit organization designed to help people who are suffering from depression in all its forms. Read the story. It moved me. I don't know how I will apply it in my life but it did move me. Some days I really do hate how little I can do at this point in my life. There must be something I can do.

The other thing that I want to share with you is a song that was referred to me. I almost cried listening to it the second time. That is really quite rare nowadays. Saosin - You're not alone

My bathroom is being renovated and I am hesitant about it. I don't quite fully like the way it is turning out right now. It will get better and I will like it when it is done. I trust my mum's taste in house.

There is more.

I will put up the rest of the week soon. I am just being lazy.

I got contacts! Fun times without frigging glasses!

Not to much to say actually, I will post more when there is more to post.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Band '08 mar 16

" Woke up at six, got into uniform and went to breakfast. French toast, hash browns and syrup... yum. After finishing the nutritious breakfast we went up to H-10 the band building. We had a small briefing and then came back down to base and went to get our combats for the week.

That went well. After that we went back to our barracks and got changed into said combats. We went and had lunch. Riblings and potatoes. Twas good. Returned to H-10 and did ensemble practice for a few hours. Came back down for supper. Mmm stroganoff. What else did we do? Well, in the morning our drill wasn't very good on the way to the briefing and we ended up marching around for thirty minutes trying to get it right.

By the way I am on free time right now it is 9:35pm and I haven't done anything interesting since talking to my mom.

Now I am back in the barracks and life is fun again. Bryce wants me to tell you that he had a shower and is now clean. Bryce is amazing and I wish you all could meet hime.

Bedtime soon, I suppose I will have to put this away.
Love y'all.

Wish I was with you as much as I am enjoying being here."

By the way, when I mention camp food being good or delicious it is a comparison to summer camp food. It isn't actually good. It is better than the summer.

Spring Band '08 mar 15

The following nonsense will be written verbatim. Extra comment will be added at the end of the post.

"Well, here I am. Lying on the bunk underneath my own. I have already made my bunk and am quite pleased with it. My bed is all nice and tight. Tell me that doesn't evoke bad thoughts in you.

Anyways, the bus ride sucked. Took two hours to get from Kamloops to Vernon. Listened to Lewis Black on the way here. He was funnier than I remember.

Got to intake, the officers looked tired. Got through intake in a reasonable amount of time. After intake, I went to my barracks. I am in B-32 the female barracks during the summer. Weird how that happens. Changed into civvies and went to supper. Supper was roast beef and potatoes. It was nice. The roast beef tasted better with the potatoes smothered on it. Finished eating, went back to the barracks. They changed our first timing already. It went from 20:00 to 21:00. I am amazed that their planning is already falling apart.

Still waiting for Bryce to show up.

Bryce showed up, went to the briefing for the week. I may be in charge for the week but I am not sure yet.

Ended up going to sleep around midnight."

First day blew over all. It wasn't even a full day. It was slow and unorganized. Blargh.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The last procrastination post.

I promise. The next post will be about my week. Seriously.

I needed to share this review with you. It is absolutely amazing. Hilarious. Amazingly hilarious. This is the review that turns wood into gold. I am even telling the truth there.
Read it. Right now.


Warning, the above link is stunningly funny. It also contains profanity. The profanity is necessary though. From what I have heard about the movie, all of us would swear like that if we had to watch it.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I have returned.

I wrote a journal over the week so that I would be able to remember some of the things that happened. Hopefully I will be able to make use of the chiken scratch. I will be posting all of the entries exactly as I wrote them. I may have extra things to add but they will be at the bottom of the posts.

It is so nice to be home.

I woke up at 5 today. I was on the bus at 7. I arrived at home around 9. I am running on empty as it is from a week of light sleep. I sleep really well on the beds there, we just didn't sleep much. Silly camp.

What else?

I killed my lungs this week. I am coughing and hurting and stuff. Unpleasant. It hurts to breathe in deep so it is immensly hard to play my flute.

Umm, I think that is it for now. I will leave you in suspense for the rest of my weeks details.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spring Band

I am so excited for this week.

I am taking a journal with me so that I can record all the madness that happens and bring back some tales.

I don't think I will be able to say good bye to anyone personally, so this is my good bye. I hope every last one of you has a wonderful week. Whether you get it off or not.

I hate being divided, I don't want to go and leave everybody. However I also want to see my camp friends whom I don't ever get to see. Dilemma I tell you.

Anyways, I will be gone until Saturday. I will be home around 10:00ish am. So if I am still alive, perhaps something will be able to come of that.

Goodbye again. Love you all.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Deviant Art

I started an account on Deviant Art. Mostly for my writing. Maybe one day for drawings. I will burn that bridge when I cross it however. The account is Bryon-Drach for those interested. I will update it every so often, but don't expect much. I do have something in the works but I may take months to get around to finishing.

I don't really have much else to post about. I learnt some new things about my characters today. Thats about it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Is this wrong?

Transhumanism? It is a link. Tell me what you think.

I agree with most of the sentiments provided by the transhuman community. Except designer babies. No designer babies. If you want that much control go play The Sims or something.

Friday, March 7, 2008

A nothing post to keep the blog monkeys off my back.

These are the English lyrics to a Japanese song by The GazettE. The song is called Guren or Crimson Lotus in English. I don't know, maybe someone will enjoy reading these or listening to the song. You may find the videos to be a bit strange. I have confidence in you though. If you do listen, don't stop in the middle of the song. Listen the whole way through, you won't understand the words but try to draw something else out.

Here are the links,
Filth in the Beauty

Crimson Lotus

The passing days drew us closer
The pain is matched with joy
Both hands reflect that
I cry when i think of you

there is a rain of sadness
it's fine just to remain unknown
i tremble for repose, i remembered
what do you want to see in this reeled in dream?

i don't want you to fade
let me hear, even a sigh
a small heartbeat, that isn't there
i want you come here!

unchanging dreams, if this continues on
please don't pause in your happiness
even if it doesn't need to called out but
the drowning days are piling over me.

i don't want you to fade
let me hear, even a sigh
a small heartbeat, that isn't there
i want you come here!

Even the hands of salvation is also in vagueness
Will there be a cocoon at intervals of the second, without the string tearing off?

i want to hear, even a sigh
little rhythm to the sound of the heartbeat
of touched prayers delivered.

the name which i cannot call out i held closely
counting with my fingers, i don't want tomorrow to disappear
hearing with blocked ears
the sound of a broken cradle

the spring time will never come again
the crimson lotus is in bloom

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