Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cooking with Matt

I made a salad. So I didn't actually cook anything.

My friend Natasha walked me through the complicated process. I almost died.

I just cut my finger. So I may be exaggerating this whole thing.

The salad is delicious.

That is all.

Friday, July 17, 2009



-The principle of; or relationship between cause and effect.

Sometimes. You have to love the relationship between cause and effect.

I joined Cadets. I went to Camp. I made friends. I visited friends. I made new friends. I made new friends because of my new friends.

I wish I could map out how every event in my life has directly or indirectly affected me. It would be enormous and fascinating.

One day. =) I will have a laboratory in Heaven and do projects like that. =D

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

From the mobile.

This is one of the many reasons why I am so glad to own a blackberry. I am completely capable of accessing my blog from my phone. Seriously, how cool is that?

In any case, I will now be able to blog whenever I want, service provided. Hopefully that will mean that I will be able to post more often as a result. Haha, I doubt it though.

It does give me something to do when I am bored though. On the bus or whatever. I can keep everyone occupied at the same time. I am just so thoughtful.

So, what else is there to blog about? Not a whole lot. Oh! I got my ears stretched the other day. So I now have 2 ga. tunnels in. They are rather dandy. One day in the unforseeable future I'm going to get my lip stretched. I'm not quite willing to go through that right now though. So it will have to wait. I also have to wait until I'm eighteen before the piercing parlor I go to will let me get my dermal anchors. So much for that plan.

Hehe, I'm walking around while I type this. That's enough though. Later, yo.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Oophorectomy is a funny word for something that isn't particularly amusing at all.