Friday, October 30, 2009

Early morning exposition

The Expedition

Excerpt from the above. (It won't make nearly as much sense to you as it does to me, as I have played the games associated with. In retrospect, this won't really make any sense at all. I will also link the games. Just in case you are a cool person and want to be entertained by entertainment.)

"When I am taken, all my memories will fade, crowded out by eternal suffering. My imagination takes over and I see myself struggling through the body of the King, wracked with agonies and unable to remember any other existence. I know that I will have no more thoughts of freedom or safety or home because my very understanding of the concepts will be lost to me and it hurts.

But for now I am a man and my mind is still my own. I am still a rifleman of Captain Troughton’s Special Brigade. I am still an Englishman in the service of the Ministry of Occultism. They sent us here to write reports. So this is my report. I know it will never be read and it hurts"

Also, here are the games. They are spectacular, I adored them. Do it up.

The Chzo Mythos Games

Monday, October 26, 2009

Day two

Of my foray into the world of the working man.

I have begun working full time. So forty hours a week. I'm not quite sure what I think of it yet.

It kills any sort of evening activities, but it makes my weekends completely available. Which is of course quite lovely.

There isn't really any other news. I haven't really pulled any supremely interesting thoughts away from this week. Although there is always the potential for more. I do work with Ken this week, and he does happen to be a primary source of bouncing ideas off of.

Monday, October 19, 2009

~Ode to Irony

Poem could not be completed due to author being a fish.

Ambrosiac and amnesiac, anemic

I pretty much love my sleep pattern.

Just sayin'.

Got to say that I'm not looking forward to leaving McDonalds one day. What a strange thing to say, hey? I know, McDonalds isn't the most glamorous job. I love my job though. I adore the greater majority of the people that I work with. Even if they don't know it.

I do my best to prevent them from knowing this.

Oh, while still talking about work, I have Halloween off. Since it's a Saturday, and I don't work those.

I'm fairly excited.

Also, in November, I have my birthday off. Also on a Saturday. Pretty sweet I must admit.

Wow, I'm turning eighteen. I'm almost done with the "carefree" years. Why didn't I use them better. Why didn't I have awesome friends sooner? What a waste.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

This week, I am going to go to the University, to talk to an academic advisor about my schooling, and how much of it I can get done next semester.

I need to get my schooling started. I'm tired of working for life. I really want to be able to complain about school too.

French may or may not be a major part of my schooling. If I can slip it in, I am definitely taking a few courses. I love the French language with a passion matching my love for the English language.

We will see. I'm pretty excited to get started with University. It seems like the jump off point for life. New beginnings and what not.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Skittles, I love you.

Ho hum.

What to do when work is plentiful and friends are aggravating?

Work, then complain. =P

So, actually, I don't mind that you guys go on with your lives without me, but I really do mind. Like actually, it's not a big deal.

You jerks.

So, Kurtus, my main village man, got me approximately five gigs of music a couple of days ago.

It's amazing.

Umm, I don't really have much to say. Working a lot usually drains me of interesting blog posts.

Maybe one day I will tell you about my surrogacy chambers idea. I doubt it though.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Was going to blog.

Changed my mind.

I love you too.