Monday, October 27, 2008

Been a week.

I totally posted this before I wrote anything in it. =P

So now I am editing it, or filling it in. Whichever works for you I suppose.

Ok, so I got back from my cadet exercise yesterday at like... 1530ish. I got home and I was dead. So tired... I haven't been sleeping well lately. Staying up till all hours of the night. Getting up at early o' clock. The whole teenager stick. So my own stupid sleep patterns compounded with an exercise = tired.

The exercise. Wow. Where to start. At the beginning I suppose. Got to the hall on Friday at 1630. Was supposed to be there at 1400. So I was a bit late; however, the only other NCO there was Larina. So no-one really cared that I was late. On account of me being earlier than most everyone else. So I sort of just was there for a while. Did lots of nothing. At least until my CO called me into the office. I go in there, she tells me to sit down. So I do. She then tells the other officers to leave and she locks the door. I'm like... oh man. What the heck. She turns to me and tells me that the door is locked to keep us from being interrupted. I am still like, what the crap. She then proceeded to give me this like half hour speech thing about my decision to quit cadets. As she is talking I am thinking to myself about how she is right overall. My timing to decide to quit sort of sucks donkey. Not that it will change my mind ultimately. I might stick around for a while longer. Just long enough to wrap a few things up though. Figure out who is going to succeed me. Once that is figured out though. I am out of there. Anyways, we finished talking and as I walked out she told me to go get changed into combats. So I did. The rest of the weekend I spent in combats. Blarg. Definitely not my favorite clothing. I wore this sweater that is made out of wool. DND wool. It sucked a lot. It's only saving grace is how warm it is. Like, I only had that sweater and a shirt on the entire weekend. I was mostly warm the entire weekend. It was amazing. So we did some standard stuff at the hall. Just handing out kit and making sure everyone had their rucksacks together properly. Then we found out we were staying at the hall overnight instead of going out into the field. Which is a bonus. Less time in the cold. So really the rest of Friday was well, a whole bunch of nothing and then sleep.

Got up at 545 Saturday morning. Which is very very wrong I might add. Woke up, got dressed. Woke up the cadets at 600. Got everything together. Headed out into the field at 700. Arrived at sometime. Did some things. Not too many interesting things happened. One of the cadets got hit in the head with a rock. He bled all over the place. But that is about it.

Sunday was a day of excitement. After morning stupid stuff. We went on a bike ride. Which was awesome. It was a twenty km ride. Took us two hours. It was intense. So much fun. Need to do it again some time soon. I almost died like three times. So great.

Umm, that seems to be it for now. I can't think of anything else witty and hilarious. Not that any of that was witty and hilarious. I think I might go get a soda though. Mmmm soda.

Monday, October 20, 2008

An anecdote

"I couldn't have killed him officer" Sheila exclaimed, "I was in the kitchen all day cooking a turkey!"

The police officer cocked his head to the left and smirked. "A murder turkey!?"

A look of utter surprise stole across Sheila's face, "What? No, a Thanksgiving turkey. I did not kill that man."

"Well then. I am going to be keeping an eye on you Miss Descartes. Don't leave town anytime soon." With that the police officer replaced his forge cap and exited the door to his right. A moment later the officer came back through that door. "You keep a neat closet Miss Descartes. Where is the door out exactly?"

I sort of came up with this because of the murder mystery that I participated in recently. I find it thoroughly amusing.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

It has been too long.

Five days is too long to not be blogging. I feel bad for not blogging. Which is weird. Maybe because a blog is more for others than for yourself? Maybe.

What have I been up to? Not much. I had a midterm last week. It was pretty easy. Well it felt easy. Which means I probably failed miserably. Probably. Um, I also have a project I am supposed to research. Which I should probably do sooner rather than later. But school is unimportant in comparison to blogging.

Couple of interesting things have happened in mine life of insanity. Not that I will divulge these things to the interweb though. So if you know me. I suppose you could ask. I might even tell you. Hehe. Neener.

Uh something I don't care if crazy stalker folks know about. I am quitting cadets. For sure. As soon as I have my papers that let me get my credits.(I get credits through cadets. 12 of them.) Once I have those credits. I am done. I will attend this weekends exercise because they are fun and they need help for them. So I will assist with that. Then I am handing in my uniform. No more short haircuts for me. Hehe. Oh and more piercings! Yay for that.

Uh what else?

Nothing! For now.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


A question for you.

Does it make me heartless to eat meat?

Does it make me heartless to watch some of the videos out there that showcase the brutality shown towards animals raised for consumption and not feel bad for them?

I just watched an eleven minute clip on animal cruelty. It showed me some of the terrible things done to animals during the slaughter process. It showed me many a thing that I believe were supposed to make me feel ill. To give up entirely on eating meat. To give up on endorsing this sort of destruction. Really though, it didn't bother me much at all. Ok, so I'm not a machine. I think it is somewhat wrong to abuse the animals. In the end it really doesn't bother me though. Or, it bothers me as much as stepping on a bug. Which isn't much I might add. Now I am not going to say that I am against having better conditions for animals. That's fine by me really but then, that's really because I feel sickened by the condition of some of the meat that I might be eating. Not the condition of the animal. Just the meat. Some of it looks really nasty. Cows with lesions and tumors are still considered kosher apparently. So I might be eating that stuff. Which is gross. Better conditions would cut down on the gnarly bits that I would eat.

Which brings me back to the heartless bit. Am I heartless because I don't really care? Should I even care? Do the animals matter that much?

Again. It wouldn't bother me to see them in better conditions. However I am not bothered by their current conditions either.

So, heartless? Or practical?

I don't know.

Hopefully this post doesn't freak too many people out. =P

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Metamorphosis

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a monstrous vermin.

Now, replace Gregor Samsa with your name. The pronouns with the gender appropriate pronoun and monstrous vermin with the gender opposite of you.

Actually a better way to put it would be something like this.

What would my life have been like if I had been born a girl? Or boy. Applicably.

Am I the only one who has thoughts like this?

Seriously though. What would be different? Who would I be friends with? What would I look like? Who would I like? Who would like me? Would I have joined Cadets? Would I have started going to church? Would I be blogging? Would I still do musical stuff? Would I be a similar person overall? Or a completely different person?

So many questions. I actually spent almost a full hour last night laying on my bed, in the dark thinking about this. So to say that I am genuinely curious would be a bit of an understatement.

I wish I could dream a second life. Have it be just as real as this one. The same in every way, except that I would be a girl. It would be absolutely fascinating. To see the differences.

How about you internet stalker folks? What do you think? Have you thought about this before?

Oh, in a completely different direction. I just recently borrowed three Rise Against cds. Which are, "Siren Song of the Counter Culture" "The Sufferer & The Witness" and the newest cd, "Appeal to Reason". I enjoy them. A lot. In fact, I will give you the names of the songs I like the most. Look up the lyrics to the songs yourselves you lazy heathens.

"Appeal to Reason"
Long Forgotten Sons
Kotov Syndrome
From Heads Unworthy
"The Sufferer & the Witness"
Ready to Fall
Prayer of the Refugee
"Siren Song of the Counter Culture"
Give It All
Dancing For Rain
Swing Life Away

These are all very excellent songs. There are others as well, I am just to lazy to write them here.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Prayer Request

Ok, so not quite what I had in mind when I said I needed blog ideas but I will run with it.

So I need a job. I am out of money. I have debts to pay. Actually I really need a job.

Unfortunately, I am a twit and almost refuse to work at some lame-o fast food place. (No offense intended towards my friendlies who work at assorted fast food places.)

So that cuts out all the easy jobs to get.

Really it comes down to pray for me to find a job that I will survive.

Much appreciated.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I want to blog. Actually I want to blog really badly.

Unfortunately I have no creative juice. None. Zip.

This is why lately I have been using lame nonsense posts to fill up space. Like this one.

Maybe soon I will have something good to blog about. I can always hope.