Thursday, December 31, 2009

Vita Pulchris Est

I never seem able to stick to my plans.

I told myself that I would go to bed at two. So that waking up at ten would be reasonable.

It's four eleven now.

So, 2010, hey? It's seems like no time at all. I mean, an entire year has passed already? What have I accomplished in a year? What could I have accomplished in that year?

Well, let's start with some positives. A list seems appropriate.

A list!:
- I no longer feel like a burden at my job. A delightful feeling.
- My hair is longer than most of my male friends hair. Combined.
- I've made and solidified some startlingly good friendships. That I am infinitely grateful for.
- I've gained some weight. I think.
- I graduated. Mostly. Heh.
- I'm considerably better at the bass than I was a year ago. I still have a long way to go before I can call myself proficient of course.
- I've made many a person smile.
- I still haven't written a book, but that's alright. I have some ideas.
- I watched a good friend get married to the man that she loves. I look forward to more of these... "marriages" in the future.

A succinct list for a long year.

Inversely, I've done some things I regret. I don't think a list of those things would make for good blogging material however. I might be able to sum it up in an appropriate manner, though.

I've loved. I've lost. I've been hurt. I'm certain that I've caused some hurt. I've been passionate. I've been dispassionate. I've been tested. I've failed. I've lived some, and I've died some.

Have I grown since this hour last year? Definitely. Will I continue to grow? I believe so. Indefinitely, if you will.

This coming year, I will do something irrational. Something crazy. Something mundane. Something awe inspiring. I will make the absolute best of this eighteenth year of my life. For if my eighteenth year of life is the best one yet, then I will have a brilliant blueprint for my nineteenth year.

I never want to have a "best year of my life".

That would mean that none of my years to come would be capable of out-doing it. Every year from this year on will only be better than the last.

So let it be written. So let it be done.

Even heathens can get the concept right. Haha.

A friend of mine taught me a phrase in Latin. One that I hold especially dear to my heart. That phrase resides at the top of this post, as the title.

Vita Pulchris Est. Life is beautiful.

And it is.

You will likely desire to click on the above image.

I would recommend doing so.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

This made me smile.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put you and me together.

"Me" isn't even a letter.

I'd make it a letter, baby.

But you would inconvenience every kindergarten in the world! They'd have to redo all the letters above the chalkboards!

I'd buy them new paint with taxpayer money.

Oh, you're bad."

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I guess I should have mentioned this. At some point.

I didn't want to though. So too bad.

I leveled up about a week and a half ago. Here's an updated view of my character page.

LV: 18
Class: Wage Slave
HP: 100/100
MP: 0/0
STR: Average
INT: Above Average
SPD: Above Average
SPECIAL: Musicality. Potential to not be a wage slave in the future.
WEAPONS: A sharp tongue, and a rockin' bass.

Hopefully I remember to do this next year as well. Maybe this could be a tradition, man I'm cool.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Liquid sin,
Ambrosiac and amnesiac,
You're bleeding deeply,
Crying softly,
Out of control,
Your lungs on fire,
Your mind frozen,

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Is really all I have to say about yesterday/today.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So, I'd like to apologize for never blogging about cool stuff.
I know you guys must hate reading this things so..I'll stop.
K bye.

-Between the crosses, row on row.-

At the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, the Armistice was signed. Bringing an end to one of the most horrifying chapters of human history.

It has been ninety one years since the end of World War I. Somehow, humanity hasn't learnt it's lesson. World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq. Humans continue to throw each other, at each other, to die.

Today, I personally intend to spend the day remembering those brave souls who gave all that they had to defend freedom and peace, as best as they knew how.

Remembering the fallen of the past, remembering the fallen of the present.

Mourning the fallen yet to come.

I for one will be bowing my head at the eleventh hour, this eleventh day of this eleventh month of this year two thousand and nine. To remember those who gave their lives.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dreamers Delecation

Figured out the name of my computer last night.

Very bizarre way to find out really.

Had a dream, my computer was there. I could talk to my computer. It talked back.

Scottish accent.

His name is Seamus O' Callaghan.

He's a bit of a jerk.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Life goal for next year.

Two costumes for Halloween.

Bumble bee.

Black metal musician.

Not at the same time, that's ridiculous.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Early morning exposition

The Expedition

Excerpt from the above. (It won't make nearly as much sense to you as it does to me, as I have played the games associated with. In retrospect, this won't really make any sense at all. I will also link the games. Just in case you are a cool person and want to be entertained by entertainment.)

"When I am taken, all my memories will fade, crowded out by eternal suffering. My imagination takes over and I see myself struggling through the body of the King, wracked with agonies and unable to remember any other existence. I know that I will have no more thoughts of freedom or safety or home because my very understanding of the concepts will be lost to me and it hurts.

But for now I am a man and my mind is still my own. I am still a rifleman of Captain Troughton’s Special Brigade. I am still an Englishman in the service of the Ministry of Occultism. They sent us here to write reports. So this is my report. I know it will never be read and it hurts"

Also, here are the games. They are spectacular, I adored them. Do it up.

The Chzo Mythos Games

Monday, October 26, 2009

Day two

Of my foray into the world of the working man.

I have begun working full time. So forty hours a week. I'm not quite sure what I think of it yet.

It kills any sort of evening activities, but it makes my weekends completely available. Which is of course quite lovely.

There isn't really any other news. I haven't really pulled any supremely interesting thoughts away from this week. Although there is always the potential for more. I do work with Ken this week, and he does happen to be a primary source of bouncing ideas off of.

Monday, October 19, 2009

~Ode to Irony

Poem could not be completed due to author being a fish.

Ambrosiac and amnesiac, anemic

I pretty much love my sleep pattern.

Just sayin'.

Got to say that I'm not looking forward to leaving McDonalds one day. What a strange thing to say, hey? I know, McDonalds isn't the most glamorous job. I love my job though. I adore the greater majority of the people that I work with. Even if they don't know it.

I do my best to prevent them from knowing this.

Oh, while still talking about work, I have Halloween off. Since it's a Saturday, and I don't work those.

I'm fairly excited.

Also, in November, I have my birthday off. Also on a Saturday. Pretty sweet I must admit.

Wow, I'm turning eighteen. I'm almost done with the "carefree" years. Why didn't I use them better. Why didn't I have awesome friends sooner? What a waste.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

This week, I am going to go to the University, to talk to an academic advisor about my schooling, and how much of it I can get done next semester.

I need to get my schooling started. I'm tired of working for life. I really want to be able to complain about school too.

French may or may not be a major part of my schooling. If I can slip it in, I am definitely taking a few courses. I love the French language with a passion matching my love for the English language.

We will see. I'm pretty excited to get started with University. It seems like the jump off point for life. New beginnings and what not.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Skittles, I love you.

Ho hum.

What to do when work is plentiful and friends are aggravating?

Work, then complain. =P

So, actually, I don't mind that you guys go on with your lives without me, but I really do mind. Like actually, it's not a big deal.

You jerks.

So, Kurtus, my main village man, got me approximately five gigs of music a couple of days ago.

It's amazing.

Umm, I don't really have much to say. Working a lot usually drains me of interesting blog posts.

Maybe one day I will tell you about my surrogacy chambers idea. I doubt it though.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Was going to blog.

Changed my mind.

I love you too.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Language considerations

So, I have decided on something. I want to learn some more French. Since I don't know enough.

I adore the French language.

Maybe one day I will find a way to do so. Fill up a block up at "ye olde university".

Monday, September 28, 2009

Transformation in effect

Ordered new glasses.

Need to get hair dyed.

Then I will be a new creature once more.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Black lights and scattered cards

So, my favorite thing about closing is that when I get home, no one is awake.
Which does of course mean only one thing.

No pants.

So if you would please imagine me typing this in just my skivvies, that would be greatly appreciated.

So, I have something for you guys. Perhaps you remember my reference to the Driftless Pony Club a while back.

Here's the music video to one of their songs. I think they are rad. Just sayin'.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ominous Oysters Observing Opulent Omens

So, it seems I have the mad skills of alliteration too, Andrew.

I have a few things I want to touch on tonight. That could mean a longer blog post, but I doubt it. I just don't have the gift of the gab. My posts must be succinct.

First. Music. Bass has been going nicely. I want to take lessons. I think that would help me progress. That's really something I need to think about setting up myself though. It's getting to be time for me to start growing up as far as things like that go. Flute. I spent two thousand dollars on my flute, and it just sits there. Very upsetting. I need to do something to make it appealing again. Main instruments aside though I have a saxophone waiting for me to clean it and buy some reeds. Then I can be the Jazz master! Yay! Also, I want to learn the drums. I want to be able to drum along to some sweet bands. Like Dying Fetus, Dethklok, and Cannibal Corpse. Mmm, yes.

Second. Work. I have cemented down my work schedule for the next three or four months. I will be closing the Aberdeen McDonalds on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Potentially Wednesdays, I haven't decided yet. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the moment I am available from 7am to 4pm. This is set up in order to allow me to come to Junior Youth, as I have made the irrational decision to attempt to help out there. So that should be some good income. Maybe I will be able to follow through with my plans to get a bass stack. Oh that would be lovely.

Third. Bragging time. I am currently writing this blog post from my father's laptop. Which is alright, I don't mind using it. I actually really like it. However, the next time I post on this particular blog, I will be posting from a brand new PC. My baby is coming home on Friday. Hopefully. I've already bought it some swaddling clothes. Expensive swaddling clothes might I add. They are so shiny though. I'm making allusions to video games by the way. Four of them, I'm stoked. I will brag more when I get it.

Fourth. Bands. I found a new band today. It is called Dawn of Ashes. Their old stuff is Industrial Metal. It sounds like this glorious combination of Black Metal and Techno. Their newer stuff is everything I love about Black Metal. So I'm pretty happy. Also, Dying Fetus released their newest album yesterday. I've listened to some of it, and I think that it is quite dandy actually. Very brutal. As far as the band that I am in goes. Well, it isn't going anywhere right now. Maybe we should get on that soon.

My nose is grumpy with me, I think I scratched it. So it's being a jerk to me. If I hit it enough it will learn it's lesson, right?

To close this off, I have decided to perform an interpretive dance. You aren't allowed to see it. I have to be naked to do this dance properly. Close your eyes, now.


My nose hurts.



Thursday, September 10, 2009

Completely uninspired by recent blog happenings.

Blogging is hard.

Just kidding.

So I'm excited to go camping, I don't do that enough at all.

That's all, huh, thought I would have more.

Monday, August 31, 2009


I have an abnormal mosquito bite. It's awesome. You should be really quite envious of my bite.

Not really.

In any case. Got home from Alberta yesterday, which is where I went for a friends wedding. It was quite lovely actually. The spot where the ceremony took place was exquisite. Not to mention the weather we were blessed with.

Then last night, I went to see Inglorious Basterds. Which was amazing really.

I don't really have anything else that I want to say. So I suppose that's all until next time.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A wedding.

Liz and Tim are getting married.

At a wedding.

That is all.

Oh yeah, congratulations! =)

Friday, August 21, 2009

So, I was sitting on this hill the other day. A red hill, coincidently. Mars, I do believe was my location. I was far too captured by the beauty of an untouched landscape to even bother thinking about the consequences of not having an atmosphere. Great dust clouds rose and fell. Enormous spires of red rock climbed into the sky. Another of the greatest art pieces. Silence, but for a light whispering of wind at my back. I put my hand down, and picked up some of the dust. Gritty, just like Earth dust. I let go and it drifted away on the breeze. Smiling, I must have pushed myself off the ground. Since the next thing I remember was standing there. Humming to myself. Not quite walking yet, just standing. Admiring. At some point, I had begun meandering away from my spot. No direction in particular. Towards the next hill, really. At some point, my eyes drifted heavenward again. Stars, sprawled across the sky, like a canopy of lightning bugs. Fascinated, I had reached up and wrapped my hand around one of the many flickering lights. Brought my hand to my face, and opened it slowly. A small rock rested in my palm. It slowly unfurled and a butterfly spread its wings. As it took flight, the planet that I had come to rest upon began to change. That atmosphere that I had neglected to miss earlier, came into being. Trees shot up, and grass grew. Red clouds pulled themselves together, and began their lazy dance across the now blue sky. I wandered back to my hill, grinning like a fool. Openly admiring the paint now on the canvas. A single tree had sprouted at the top of my hill. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to sit under it, or climb it. I must have figured that I had all the time in the world to climb it, as I took a seat underneath its grand branches. Not a moment later, a butterfly came to rest upon my knee. There was no way that I could have discerned this butterfly to be the same one from earlier. I had stopped humming earlier, as it had been to difficult to gasp with amazement while I hummed. Now that I had finished gasping however, I began to hum again. No song in particular. Maybe every song. It was impossible to tell. I had only been hoping that if anyone had come along, that they would take pleasure in it. Not that anyone would wander by. I had been equally grateful and displeased with this knowledge. Here I had been, on a virgin world, with no one to share in its discovery. I had been blessedly alone, and accursedly lonely. I didn't really mind that much, so long as the butterfly was there with me. I must have sat there for hours. Just watching the world develop. Just myself and the butterfly. Missing something, someone. Content, but not happy. Overjoyed at the creation unfolding in front of me. Saddened that I was the only one to witness it. Hours, maybe days later, the world stopped its advanced growth. As it came to a halt, I stood up once again. The butterfly flew up and perched on my shoulder. I had decided at some point that I would leave when the world finished itself. So I left.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A decision to be made

I am seriously considering growing my hair out.

Some more.

I want to try for some long hair times.

I think it would be swell.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Summer blog drought

That is what I have named this season.

No longer summer, but summer blog drought season.


So the correct way to phrase a sentence is as follows.

"Enjoying your summer blog drought season?"



I thought so.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cooking with Matt

I made a salad. So I didn't actually cook anything.

My friend Natasha walked me through the complicated process. I almost died.

I just cut my finger. So I may be exaggerating this whole thing.

The salad is delicious.

That is all.

Friday, July 17, 2009



-The principle of; or relationship between cause and effect.

Sometimes. You have to love the relationship between cause and effect.

I joined Cadets. I went to Camp. I made friends. I visited friends. I made new friends. I made new friends because of my new friends.

I wish I could map out how every event in my life has directly or indirectly affected me. It would be enormous and fascinating.

One day. =) I will have a laboratory in Heaven and do projects like that. =D

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

From the mobile.

This is one of the many reasons why I am so glad to own a blackberry. I am completely capable of accessing my blog from my phone. Seriously, how cool is that?

In any case, I will now be able to blog whenever I want, service provided. Hopefully that will mean that I will be able to post more often as a result. Haha, I doubt it though.

It does give me something to do when I am bored though. On the bus or whatever. I can keep everyone occupied at the same time. I am just so thoughtful.

So, what else is there to blog about? Not a whole lot. Oh! I got my ears stretched the other day. So I now have 2 ga. tunnels in. They are rather dandy. One day in the unforseeable future I'm going to get my lip stretched. I'm not quite willing to go through that right now though. So it will have to wait. I also have to wait until I'm eighteen before the piercing parlor I go to will let me get my dermal anchors. So much for that plan.

Hehe, I'm walking around while I type this. That's enough though. Later, yo.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Oophorectomy is a funny word for something that isn't particularly amusing at all.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another tale

Our tale tonight...

With muffins.

It was late, 2300 hours at least.
The local Aberdeen McDonalds continued to bustle with energy. (And grease.)
A young lad by the name of, Mattu, was preparing muffins for the next day.
A great task this is, considering that muffins take exactly 42 minutes to bake.
A potentially terrible thing, long bake times.
For if the night staff do not prepare them for the day staff.
Well, dear customers may have to go without their beloved muffins.

Returning now, if you will, to young Mattu.
A tray of muffins had been pulled out of the oven, and was cooling on the rolling cart.
Another timer sounded indicating that the next batch was ready to be removed from the fires of the oven.
Mattu donned his safety kitchen oven master gloves.
And removed the muffins.
Noticing that there was no room for the muffins on the rolling cart, Mattu had to make a quick decision.
He decided, fatefully, to put the muffin tray on top of the meat freezer.
While he hastily put away the cooled muffins.
Returning to the other tray after finally putting the other muffins away safely.
Mattu daftly grabbed up the tray to move it off the meat freezer, lest someone bump it and cause the muffins to tumble perilously to the ground.
Upon gripping the tray, Mattu began to lift...

Moments later, the sizzle of flesh reminded him that this tray had just recently been removed from the oven.

So, yeah. My fingers hurt a lot. Like typing is freaking hard.

I also have to miss work tomorrow. Which is super lame.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Introspection is a dangerous thing.

Instead, I plan on going to bed.

This is because if I stay up much later, I am at risk of writing terrible poetry about how much my life sucks.

I have a roof over my head, a decent job, a loving family, and a grand group of friends.

How could my life possibly suck?

Oh yeah, that's right. It doesn't.

Bed time for me.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Saltwater Room

"Time together is just never quite enough
When you and I are alone, I’ve never felt so at home
What will it take to make or break this hint of love?
We need time, only time
When we’re apart whatever are you thinking of?
If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?
So tell me darling, do you wish we’d fall in love?
All the time, all the time "

~Owl City

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Grad '09

Oh, my, word.

That is all.

No, I was lying. Terrible habit, I know.

I love you folk so much, and I am so blessed to know you. Not to mention getting the opportunity to graduate with you.

Our dinner was fabulous, and I can't wait to do further things with you.

With love.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A tale of two incredibly handsome men.

So, I actually lied, this story is about Josh and I.

(Which makes this a tale of one incredibly handsome Josh and sidekick. Bollocks.)

So, today started pretty well, got up a bit earlier than normal. Around 9:30. Got all ready for my day, you know how it goes. Around 10:30, Josh phones letting me know that he is on his way to my house so that we can drive my vehicle down to Juniper to partake of some sporty activity. I know, you read this and scream, "What! Matt doesn't do sports!" I know. I was startled as well. I played a rip roaring game of soccer. Even scored a few goals. Didn't know I had it in me.

After finishing our most satisfactory game of soccer, Josh and I departed. We stopped at McD's in Valleyview to get some drinks and a little lunch. Which was superb, obviously.

Afterwards, we decided to head for Aberdeen. Perhaps to hit some golf balls around up at the driving range on Aberdeen Golf Course. We got up the on ramp into Aberdeen, but there was a great deal of traffic in the way, Josh being a superior driver decided that it would be in our best interests to head to the Pacific Way on ramp. We were puttering towards home, when we saw a camper van type vehicle parked on the side of the road. Making sure that the person was alright, I took a closer look. A lady in her mid sixties was standing in front of the camper looking mighty distressed. I rolled down my window and asked her if everything was alright. She told me that her car had broken down, and I told Josh to pull over onto the side of the on ramp. We hopped out of the car and walked over to her. She told us that she was from the east Kootenays, visiting a girlfriend in town. She had no way of getting a hold of a tow truck, or of getting a hold of her girlfriend. Josh started to talk to her, checked some things in the camper. During this time, I phoned home to get a number for a tow truck. With the tow truck on it's way, Josh and I stuck around to make sure the lady was ok. A half hour after parking on the on ramp, the lady was back in her camper and heading to Canadian Tire to buy a new battery. It felt really good to help this poor lady in her time of need. Sweetest little thing. I regret not getting her name, really quite sad actually. I hope the remainder of her trip goes wonderfully.

After that excitement, Josh and I headed home, grabbed our golf clubs and headed to the driving range. My meagre golfing skills have degenerated significantly since my last time out.

Now it's off to work for seven hours. Oh boy, what a way to end the day.


I wonder, did anyone else see the hand of God moving today? He was certainly with Josh and I.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Well, alright.

So, something unexpected happened yesterday at work.

I got employee of the month.

Holy crap.

Also, we got new salads. A co-worker and I made a new snack wrap using one of the new salad dressings. It's practically equivalent to ecstacy. In your mouth. Impressive, I know.

Umm, not much else, grad's coming up. Nerves are flaring about life. You know, normal teenager stuff.

I'm leaving, goodbye.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

It didn't turn out the way I had desired it to.

I've made a decision. I should have traded my ticket in Coquitlam and stayed there for the weekend. Just puttering around and getting into trouble.

I could tell you the story, but I would rather not go over it again at this point in time.

Ask me in person, I might be inclined to let you know.

In unrelated news, I am in my first black mood of the summer. Yay. At least I know that they are significantly less common in the sunny times of summer.

Tomorrow will be better. Isn't it always.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

So, I keep trying to blog, but I don't want to.

I'm sure you understand.

I have no exciting tales to regale you with, nor do I have any advice to spare at the moment. This situation is most uncomfortable for me. Nothing to say.

Oh, yeah, filler time.

Ballroom Wonderings

I can see your mask,
It's burden
It's pallor shines on your skin
And it hurts you

You look sickly dearest
So lost and insincere
Lost and insecure

A dance, you dance
A masquerade of fear
Take my hand, my love
I will take you far

You're looking fine dearest
I'll hold you close forever
I'll hold you tight

There is a light in your eyes,
A glimmer of truth
A happy glimpse of future
Ensnared am I, the watcher

~Matthew McIsaac

Friday, May 15, 2009

Holy madness

I want to get my hair cut, but it takes so long to grow. So I won't. Ever.

I got a raise at work. A few days ago. $0.20 raise. Pretty sweet. Top of the raise...thing. Twenty cents is the most money you can get for a raise. Yeah, you want to work at McD's now, don't you. I also got my crew trainer manual. Which when I actually sit down and go though, I will level up to crew trainer. Another twenty cent raise if I do that. Which would be lovely of course.

Enough about my amazing job.

Herald park, holy bologna, I am so excited. There will be shenanigans. Oh so many shenanigans. Excited!
Grad is fast approaching. Along with responsibility and the end of our care free ways. ;) Maybe not quite that drastic, but man, it's close.

I have an exciting body mod plan for the summer, talk to me about it. Alex doesn't like the idea. Since she is silly. Hahaha, so so silly. =)

Picture time!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Relational Conundrum

I don't understand relationships. I really do not.

Now, for clarification purposes, I am referring to a dating relationship (or a courting relationship). Seriously, how? Someone needs to explain to me. What do you do? What sorts of things do a couples do together? I would imagine going to the movies would get boring pretty quick. As would just... going out to dinner every time you got together.

So what's up? Do you just hang out? Talk about nothing and everything(another problem unto itself)? Or are "things" required? Must you be going out and doing things for the beginning parts of the relationship? Or even the latter parts? What sorts of things? I would imagine that they would correlate with both persons interests.

It's interesting that I ask this question here, as my reader base, isn't really the dating type. General statement on the people that I know who read this blog of course. I really don't know a whole lot about you random creepy internets folk.

However, if you do miraculously have some sort of insight into the workings of a relationship of this caliber, let me know. 

Please, I may need this information one day.

P.S. I doubt it. ;/

P.P.S. Seriously

Saturday, April 25, 2009

To whom it may concern

I watched "A Thousand Yard Stare" last night.

I was impressed.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh yeah

Got my nose pierced.

Next on my list of piecing things. Stretching. Oh boy.

Oh, ok. Umm, I have a prayer request all of the sudden. A friend of mine, a good friend really, her father passed away. Recently, and it would be wonderful if there could be prayer for her and her family. Her name is Desaraigh. Prayer would be lovely. Thanks.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


So, I suppose finishing high school is a worthy blog topic.

I'm finished.

The blog post is planned out to be just as anticlimactic as finishing high school has been.

In other news, I have just recentl

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The moon is waning,


So far from this,


Can't open my eyes,


This is how it felt before.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Oh my

This looks amazing.

Mustache Champion

One day.

I will be the mustache champion.

This is a lie.

Since I find mustaches to be rather repulsive. They have their place. On my father for example.

Along with most other forms of hair that is not on my head.

Hair is frightening to me.

It really is.

In other news.

My family has been offered an all expensises paid trip to Sun Peaks for the weekend. Free snowboarding for me, and free skiing for the girls. Needless to say, I am excited. If anyone isn't busy on Saturday and wants to join me. Please do so. I will love you forever.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I have no post.

Really, none.

Maybe tomorrow.

Or later today.

Not right now though.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An affront to nature

The Big Mac snack wrap. At McDonalds.

Is an atrocity.

A delicious atrocity.

I will not cease my hatred of it. Ever.

It is quite delicious though.

Monday, March 16, 2009


By the gods.

I have no drive to blog at all.

Holy cats. What's up with that.

This is all I have to say.



When I say "by the gods" assume I mean the gods that don't exist or something along those lines. So as to completely avoid religious debate. Don't debate it.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Who is a squash!

Imma squash!

Sorry for the grammar.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My job

My job. The one that I have, is a strange one. A difficult one indeed. I'm not very good at it yet. I realize that I am not good at all of these, but it's what I try to do.

I have to be generally silly and uplifting
I have to be nice to girls
I have to be nice to some boys
Chivalry is something I do
I have to not unload my burdens on anyone else unless I think they can handle it or can deal with it now
I have to listen
I have to offer good advice
I have to work on improving myself
I have to not hate
I have to not judge

These are things that I must do, and must not I suppose. I'm not good at it yet, but it's there for me to work on.



It's nice.

I miss CR.

I miss CR people.

Why must you be far away.

Come closer to meeee.

It was awesome people who weren't there.

I will go back.

It will also be amazing.


This is all. =D

Friday, February 27, 2009

Wow, holy cats

In approximately one hour, I will have my ticket, and will be waiting to board a bus. A bus, that will take me to Campbell River, it will take fourteen bloody hours.

I am fairly excited.

Admittedly, I am also rather unnecessarily nervous about this whole trip. I get nervous about everything though. Whatever.

As long as no one stabs me while I sleep on the bus.

That would be nice.

Holy crap. This is the first trip I have taken by myself, anywhere. Wow. Madness I tell you.

It's alright though. I have entertainment lined up. Should probably shove that stuff in my bag soon. =P

I assure you, those who I deem "worthy" will get an earful of tales. I am certain of this. If there are not many stories to be told, well, Sarah and I will have competely lost our touch. It will be a sad day indeed.

In any case, I have things to do and things to freak out about. =)

Have a wonderful weekend all, I will see many of you in the next week.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A tale

"I know! Let us beat this dead horse to death with this horse!"

"I don't know Phil. Didn't work so well last time," He twitched, "I still have that scar man."

"Do not do this to me again. I need this to be done."

"Phil, give it a rest. That horse never bothered anyone."

"Damnation man."

"Let it go."

"I will do no such thing!"

"Hey! What are you doing! Keep that thing away from my face!"

"Take this you colloquial fiend!"

"Ah! Not the wrench!"


"Oh gods! What's in that bag? Cats! No!"

"That should silence you for now."


"You didn't do anything to my face. How would it keep me quiet?"

"Wait for it, you heathen."



"That is what I thought. Duct tape is a miracle worker."

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I work with...

Some amazing folk.

Really, tonight was superb.

We got sodomized at 930. Like, we had thirty people in lobby and we were lined up on drive through. It was terrible. Yet, we worked as a team and got through it with minimal trouble. I was very impressed. Also, they are a blast to work with in general. John is quite a fun guy to be around, and Wendy is a wonderful manager. I lucked out my friends.

In other news. I swallowed the stopper on the back of my labret. Which means it has been rubbing against my lip, and being painful in general. Not exactly pleasant. Going to the piercing place tomorrow/today to get a new stopper. Should be fun.

Hmm, on a side note also relating to McD's, the parfaits and the fajitas at McD's are quite amazing. You should try them.

I should get a sword custom made, for myself. It would probably be expensive. I would want it made of Damascus steel, because it's pretty. Also, it would be less of a sword. More of a short polearm. It would be sweet.

That should be about it for now. Maybe I will spontaneously combust. That would make for good blog-like material.

Monday, February 16, 2009

An announcement

I am pregnant.

Wait, no.

I am tired.

Yeah, that's right.

Work is killing me. That's it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

What in the nine?

I ordered two cheeseburgers. How many did you put in the bag?


One is not two, wage slave.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Empty post

I have little to say.

Little to say that I want recorded on public domain anyways.

My lip is almost healed. If I would stop pulling it out of my face by accident.

Sarah, I can in fact play my flute. It just hurts. I should probably wait until it stops hurting.

Erm, yes. That's about it.

Less lame posts in the future! Yay!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Russians seem to be doing the right things.

First ДДT. Now. Vitas.

Oh my word. I would do many a thing to have a voice like this man. The operatic things one could do. =D

I heart opera.

So having a voice unique enough to make it in opera. Would be amazing.

He is a countertenor.

Which means he has the same range as a soprano. Soprano being a female voice.

Friday, February 6, 2009

ДДТ and secret

Mmmm, ДДТ, such a good band.

So Russian. Rather enjoyable.

I wish I could pronounce the name of this song. I really have no idea.

Oh yeah, and I got my lip pierced.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I am victorious

Victorious. Is I.

I finished my essay. Ten minutes before class. Oh yeah.

Go me.

I'm sort of feeling short posts right now.

Although, I will post a longer one if I want to.

You will have to wait and see.

Change of pace

Want to make the blog look better.

It will take time.

Bear with me.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Yay! Excitement!

Questionable Content referenced Settlers of Catan!

Hahaha. A reference I don't have to research. =D

Yeah, that's it.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

For Lack of a Better Name

Well, I am impressed my friends.

Considering the immense amount of bickering that went on, we pulled this gig together rather superbly.

Exposition time, for those of you who aren't privy to every detail of my life.

These past three weeks, the grad class that I am a part of has come together to make a band. Now, I believe most of you know this but I am... alternative schooling this year. Which barely qualifies me to be a member of CHEK. CHEK standing for Christian Homeschool Educators of Kamloops. I think. I could be wrong.

In any case. I am grading with five(six I think) other amazing individuals. Which is about the perfect size for a band. Well, no. But that's okay. =P So the six of us made a band. Which right at first seemed like a very poor idea. However! By tonight, our first gig, we had prepared five songs. One of them was even an original. Woah. We are awesome.


So yes. We played music. We had fun. Hopefully we now don't hate each other so much that we can't do it again. Which I think would be wonderful.

Well, I love you five. You are amazing and awesome on so many levels.

Here is to the Grad Class of '09. To our shenanigans in the near future. =)

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Here, my short story done in a similar style to H.P. Lovecraft. (The style similarity was incidental. Don't sue me.)

It isn't finished by any stretch of the imagination. Just thought it would be fun to post. It's freaking long though. So yeah. Here you are.
Matthew McIsaac January 22, 2009

The Rose Gate

A strange thing began occurring the day my daughter planted that black seed in the back yard. The first thing that I noticed on that next sunny morning was that the birds had left. We normally had a great deal of small birds in our large oak tree. Colorful birds that sang the song of flight. That next morning I stepped out onto the deck to enjoy my coffee to the tittering of the wild. However, it was eerily silent. The great oak tree sat lonely in the yard. All of the birds had gone. Also confusing was that none of the other wildlife that frequented our yard were present either. Flustered by this strange happening I returned inside and continued with my day.
The next day, I went out having forgotten already about the missing birds. Once again I was startled by the lack of wildlife, but furthermore a single rose was growing where my daughter had planted that seed. Two days since planting it and already it had sprung up. I had not yet bloomed, but it was nevertheless possessing of a powerful dark beauty. The rose was black, but not that black perceived when you close your eyes. No. It was deeper than that. It was so dark that it almost seemed to be absorbing the light from around it. This was the black that existed before creation. Utter nothingness. This small rose filled me with such an unprecedented loathing. I returned inside quickly. My daughter was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying her breakfast. She looked up at me and asked me what was wrong. I told her that the seed she had planted the day before had sprouted. She was ecstatic. She jumped up to her feet and kissed my cheek. She then ran to the door and threw it open. Almost leaping out onto the deck. An audible gasp came in from the porch.
I followed her cautiously. She stood on the deck, hands clutching her breast. Her face, white as bone. I gently laid my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me once more. She told me that it was the most frightening thing she had ever seen. I agreed with her on that note. I then proceeded to tell her that we needed to do anything in our power to get rid of the monstrosity. Even though there was nothing obviously wrong with it. She promised me that it would be done the next day.
That night I had terrible dreams of the darkness that the rose seemed to epitomize. I woke suddenly in a heavy sweat. It was late, 3:33 to be exact. It was reassuring to sit in the darkness of my room. As it was that normal darkness we are used to. That we know holds normal fears. It was not the darkness, the black in the flower. That black that seemed to radiate from the rose as much as it sucked in light. After what seemed an eternity I managed to fall back to sleep, although they were still plagued by dreams of darkness.
I woke up the following morning in the same state as I had awoken in the night. Soaked I quickly showered before heading downstairs. I opened the back door. Trepidation coursed through my bones. My stomach rebelled against me as ill feelings stole over. Every fiber of my being urged me to run in the opposite direction and to never glimpse back. Steeling myself I opened the back door. I vomited instantly and in the same motion fell to the porch wood. The grass and plants surrounding the rose for twenty meters was dead.
It was then that I knew the fear in my heart had saved my life. If I had attempted to uproot the rose with my hands I surely would have perished. My daughter likewise. I had not yet warned my daughter. The haste with which I returned inside was fueled by an undying fear. I ran through the door and slammed it shut behind me. I proceeded to warn my daughter. We both decided that the best course of action would be to destroy the rose utterly. Both of us were terrified to leave the rose to grow any longer, but we had no choice in this matter.
The remainder of that day was spent abroad. We gathered a large quantity of flammable liquids in order to burn the rose out of existence.
The final day fast approached us. It was a fortuitously bright Sunday morning when we stepped into that abysmal backyard. By this time, the entire yard was dead. Everything. Dead and rotting. The blight spread as far as the very front of the porch. Where the blight touched the deck, the wood rotted. My beautiful backyard had become a cemetery. My daughter and I wasted no time pouring the gasoline all over the grass. Everywhere the blight had destroyed was soaked in something. After covering as much as humanely possible without touching the blight, I dropped a match and watched the inferno solve our horrible problem.
The inferno made quick work of the yard. All of the dead brush catching instantly. The gasoline must have only helped. I wish I could say the story ended here. With my daughter and I leaving that house and the memories gathered there behind. A blaze of saving fire behind us. Unfortunately, this tale is far less joyous.
In a moment of idiocy on both of our parts, we stopped paying attention to the true goal. The rose. That wretched rose. It was absorbing the heat from the flame, and was creating a tunnel to us. The blight seeped through the flame and absorbed it into itself. I turned to my daughter just in time to see that terrible darkness rear up and fan out. If I had not been utterly paralyzed by terror, the scream that would have ripped through my mouth surely would have shaken the foundations of the earth.
The living darkness fell upon my daughter and both were gone. At that same instant, the fire all but died out. With no time for thought I spun to look at the rose. As the last tendril of blight returned, all of the horrors of the universe came into being.
The rose bloomed.
An antediluvian hell burst forth from the darkness. The world around me twisted and warped in unimaginable ways. Colors seeped away from the landscape, the bright blue sky faded to a ruddy brown. Cracks of darkness split the same sky like shattered glass. All of creation distorted. The buildings around me collapsed in upon themselves. Rust, rot and ruin were everywhere. My great oak tree had become an evil entity. A skeletal hand reaching into the sky, trying to return from whence it came.
There it was, the rose. Surrounding the rose were the skeletons of the wildlife that had belonged in my yard. Dark stains were evident on the parched earth everywhere. However, one thing drew my eye faster than anything. My daughter, was floating in front of the rose. As my eyes met hers I saw what she felt. The most abhorrent terror one could ever feel was coursing through my daughters soul. I was devastated. Completely. There was nothing I could do to help her.
A moment later, the cthonic beast tore through her body and into this infected world. A great thing it was. The splendor of creation lay before it. It's true goal seemingly to annihilate all unworthy life. All life is unworthy in it's eyes.

All life is unworthy.

I also apologize for the inability to format documents on blogger. If you want a copy of this on Word, let me know.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A thing for you

Haha, not yet silly.

I am typing up a story that I wrote in my off time during class. By off time I of course mean the times that I am not paying attention. It's pretty long. I don't pay much attention.


Anyways, yes. I wrote it in an H.P. Lovecraft style. Quite amusing to write. Y'all should let me know what you think when I get it up.

In the meantime, amuse yourselves with my poetry. The link is over there.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Curses to you essay that would be better if I could speak it.

Also, curses to you strong public speaking talent. Trying to shine through on my essay.

Bollocks in general.

I am still writing that narrative essay I mentioned. I will post it when I am done. It's a Haiti story. I am not particularly satisfied with it. Doesn't really get the point across properly. Ah well, C'est la vie.

Ooh, I am not very tired. Which is awesome. Since I am writing this essay. Alas, procrastinating from this essay. =P

One more thing, Arch Enemy. I like them. Anything with Angela Gossow is good.


The days we were in Welsh, the children arrived at some time. Then the Haitian team led them in music. Then in a service. Then we fed them? Or was the play time first? I honestly can't remember. Since I can't remember I am taking unfortunate creative liberties with this essay. =(

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I do not hurt all that much.

Snowboarding. For the first time in two years. Is a challenge. A challenge very worth taking.

So I am happy about not being in pain.

Less happy about having to work tomorrow morning.

At 7.

So I have to be up by 530ish. Stupid.

And my whole. Nonchalant attitude towards sleep doesn't help at all.

Less to say, more sleep that is needed.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A decision has been made.

Crew closes. Suck.

I am home now. I finished work at 130.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I have an essay to write. Not a whole lot of time to write it. I have lots of work and lots of... snowboarding. It should be fantastic. I might have to write the stupid thing on Saturday night. Which I would rather not do of course.

In any case. I must leave. A quick update on my... narrative. =P I will post it if it doesn't suck.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Well, it took nearly two weeks. *shudder* I am however victorious, and most likely delusional.

So, what's up hey? I can't honestly think of anything mind blowing. I am back to school. Final class before I graduate. I am rather excited. Not at all worried. So close.

Mmm, Taco's are my favorite. The fact that we are having them tonight just about completes me. Just about.

Erg, I have to go into Instincts sometime in the near future to find out what the heck is going on with my ear. Seriously folks. It's pretty gross sometimes. Like. Surprisingly a few times I have wanted to take them out. But that would be pretty stupid because they aren't about to properly grow over.

I should probably start working on my parents soon here to let me get my next piercing. It's a toss up between nose and lip. Let me know what your thoughts are there. I really can't decide.

Oh! I finally fixed my computer. Something happened to it ages ago. I finally realized that my screen resolution was really low. Also that my appearance setting was set to "Windows Classic" so that is now fixed. Yay for me.

Well, that about sums up what I have to say.

Also. Opeth. Check them out. They have some monster good stuff.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Blogging Strike

If you want more blog.

Go bother Kandace for a bit.

Until she decides that our deal was amazing. Which it was by the way. I will be taking a break. An unwanted break by the way. So bother her fast.

(The deal was that she blogs twice a week and I blog three times a week. Sounds fair to you doesn't it?)


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