Friday, March 27, 2009

Oh my

This looks amazing.

Mustache Champion

One day.

I will be the mustache champion.

This is a lie.

Since I find mustaches to be rather repulsive. They have their place. On my father for example.

Along with most other forms of hair that is not on my head.

Hair is frightening to me.

It really is.

In other news.

My family has been offered an all expensises paid trip to Sun Peaks for the weekend. Free snowboarding for me, and free skiing for the girls. Needless to say, I am excited. If anyone isn't busy on Saturday and wants to join me. Please do so. I will love you forever.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I have no post.

Really, none.

Maybe tomorrow.

Or later today.

Not right now though.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An affront to nature

The Big Mac snack wrap. At McDonalds.

Is an atrocity.

A delicious atrocity.

I will not cease my hatred of it. Ever.

It is quite delicious though.

Monday, March 16, 2009


By the gods.

I have no drive to blog at all.

Holy cats. What's up with that.

This is all I have to say.



When I say "by the gods" assume I mean the gods that don't exist or something along those lines. So as to completely avoid religious debate. Don't debate it.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Who is a squash!

Imma squash!

Sorry for the grammar.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My job

My job. The one that I have, is a strange one. A difficult one indeed. I'm not very good at it yet. I realize that I am not good at all of these, but it's what I try to do.

I have to be generally silly and uplifting
I have to be nice to girls
I have to be nice to some boys
Chivalry is something I do
I have to not unload my burdens on anyone else unless I think they can handle it or can deal with it now
I have to listen
I have to offer good advice
I have to work on improving myself
I have to not hate
I have to not judge

These are things that I must do, and must not I suppose. I'm not good at it yet, but it's there for me to work on.



It's nice.

I miss CR.

I miss CR people.

Why must you be far away.

Come closer to meeee.

It was awesome people who weren't there.

I will go back.

It will also be amazing.


This is all. =D