Thursday, December 31, 2009

Vita Pulchris Est

I never seem able to stick to my plans.

I told myself that I would go to bed at two. So that waking up at ten would be reasonable.

It's four eleven now.

So, 2010, hey? It's seems like no time at all. I mean, an entire year has passed already? What have I accomplished in a year? What could I have accomplished in that year?

Well, let's start with some positives. A list seems appropriate.

A list!:
- I no longer feel like a burden at my job. A delightful feeling.
- My hair is longer than most of my male friends hair. Combined.
- I've made and solidified some startlingly good friendships. That I am infinitely grateful for.
- I've gained some weight. I think.
- I graduated. Mostly. Heh.
- I'm considerably better at the bass than I was a year ago. I still have a long way to go before I can call myself proficient of course.
- I've made many a person smile.
- I still haven't written a book, but that's alright. I have some ideas.
- I watched a good friend get married to the man that she loves. I look forward to more of these... "marriages" in the future.

A succinct list for a long year.

Inversely, I've done some things I regret. I don't think a list of those things would make for good blogging material however. I might be able to sum it up in an appropriate manner, though.

I've loved. I've lost. I've been hurt. I'm certain that I've caused some hurt. I've been passionate. I've been dispassionate. I've been tested. I've failed. I've lived some, and I've died some.

Have I grown since this hour last year? Definitely. Will I continue to grow? I believe so. Indefinitely, if you will.

This coming year, I will do something irrational. Something crazy. Something mundane. Something awe inspiring. I will make the absolute best of this eighteenth year of my life. For if my eighteenth year of life is the best one yet, then I will have a brilliant blueprint for my nineteenth year.

I never want to have a "best year of my life".

That would mean that none of my years to come would be capable of out-doing it. Every year from this year on will only be better than the last.

So let it be written. So let it be done.

Even heathens can get the concept right. Haha.

A friend of mine taught me a phrase in Latin. One that I hold especially dear to my heart. That phrase resides at the top of this post, as the title.

Vita Pulchris Est. Life is beautiful.

And it is.

You will likely desire to click on the above image.

I would recommend doing so.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

This made me smile.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put you and me together.

"Me" isn't even a letter.

I'd make it a letter, baby.

But you would inconvenience every kindergarten in the world! They'd have to redo all the letters above the chalkboards!

I'd buy them new paint with taxpayer money.

Oh, you're bad."