Friday, January 29, 2010

This is what called dedication!

Headache. Check.

Burning eyes. Check.

Tired as a tired guy. Check.

Senseless desire to blog for beautiful people. Check.


iPad. Hahaha! Done.

Well, I've grown too tired to finish this. Too bad. Maybe later.

I tried, I promise.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nocturnal Notions

On the rare occasion, particular to night.

I fret about ludicrous happenings.

Such as awakening and having forgotten all of my friends faces.

Or forgetting how to walk whilst in the middle of a downtown expedition.

If all the cars on the road suddenly transformed into car sized bugs.

Various other things as well.

Makes me want to crawl into my bed and never get out.

Crawling into my bed and never finding my way out. That's a good one too.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

"We sure set a lot of dogs on fire, Sufjan.

I know! It was more than I had planned, actually."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

For God so loved the world...

I think, occasionally, we forget.

We forget all sorts of things.

We forget what it was like to be a kid.
We forget what it was like to be cared for.
We forget what it is like to be the new person.
We forget what it is like to be needed.
We forget what it is like to be challenged.
We forget what it is like to be loved.
We forget what it is like to feel safe.

We forget what it is like to be all sorts of things.

It's very comforting to me, knowing that I can forget these things from time to time.

To know that a man. Who lived and walked with this world. Suffered so that we could forget things like this.

So that we could forget, and be reassured.

I've been doing a great deal of thinking about this. Why I'm a Christian. Why I would make the sacrifices that I do.

A friend of mine summed it up rather nicely, and I agree with his personal understanding.

His is different than mine, as is to be expected. This is my summary.

I have had personal, viable experience with God. I have seen his guiding hand in my life, and the lives around me. Doing only good things. I have experienced Jesus Christ, directly. In a way that many people can't understand. I believe in a loving Father, who will care for me, and guide me through all my days here on this earth.

Skepticism is to be expected in a world governed by knowledge, as I believe ours is currently. Knowledge is the new God. Knowledge being directly related to science. It is bad science to believe something that you can in no way explain or show evidence for. Which makes my faith seem, by way of relation, bad.

But, I suppose you could say that faith is both good science, and bad science. I can not show you physical proof of God's existence, no more than I can hand to you a box of gravity. So it seems to be bad science; however, science is all about observation. Good science is making observation. I understand that there is more to it than that, but please, bear with me. I have observed God's presence in this world. In many different ways. A simple example being my mother's life. I would ask you to ask me if you care to know more about that story.

I am by all means a "science" person. I have on numerous occasions asked myself why I would be so foolish as to believe in something completely intangible and completely lacking in evidence. It's because God has shown himself to me.

Sometimes I forget these things, that I have related to you. Yet, as I said. I have been reassured, by the presence of an almighty God.

I figured a blog post went well with the theme of publicly announcing my faith.

I'm getting baptized.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Charmed, a trillion trite apologies

I was lying. No apologies.

Well, welcome to my new home. I'm pretty happy with it. I might spruce it up with some pictures and some words and what not.

This is it, my 2010 home.

Want to hear some plans? Good. Another list!

-Participate in NaBloPoMo
-Write more in general
-Use a higher standard of vocabulary
-Have a segment. TILT would be an inspiration. But it would have to be different. (Hear that? You're an inspiration.)
-I would love to drag someone else into this glorious world of self expression and deep thought. Original material. (I'm getting sarcastic here.) I'm talking about blogs!


For real life though? Some plans for the year? Well, the fourteenth of January isn't too late to start. Lists!

-Get better at bass
-Go back to school
-Go to bible school instead
-Learn how to play the piano
-Read the Bible through and through
-Start Judo again
-Start working out
-Get mad abs

That seems good to me. I know they won't all happen, but hopefully some of them. That's what goals are for, yeah?

Well, that's all this foolish brain can sputter out right now.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Trepidatious Changes

Within the week, this blog will be made anew.

It's a new year. I suppose that's reason enough. I haven't quite decided on a motif yet.

We'll see.

I've been rather partial to this one, but change is always good. I just need a good name.

I'll think of something. I'm good at that.