Saturday, May 30, 2009

It didn't turn out the way I had desired it to.

I've made a decision. I should have traded my ticket in Coquitlam and stayed there for the weekend. Just puttering around and getting into trouble.

I could tell you the story, but I would rather not go over it again at this point in time.

Ask me in person, I might be inclined to let you know.

In unrelated news, I am in my first black mood of the summer. Yay. At least I know that they are significantly less common in the sunny times of summer.

Tomorrow will be better. Isn't it always.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

So, I keep trying to blog, but I don't want to.

I'm sure you understand.

I have no exciting tales to regale you with, nor do I have any advice to spare at the moment. This situation is most uncomfortable for me. Nothing to say.

Oh, yeah, filler time.

Ballroom Wonderings

I can see your mask,
It's burden
It's pallor shines on your skin
And it hurts you

You look sickly dearest
So lost and insincere
Lost and insecure

A dance, you dance
A masquerade of fear
Take my hand, my love
I will take you far

You're looking fine dearest
I'll hold you close forever
I'll hold you tight

There is a light in your eyes,
A glimmer of truth
A happy glimpse of future
Ensnared am I, the watcher

~Matthew McIsaac

Friday, May 15, 2009

Holy madness

I want to get my hair cut, but it takes so long to grow. So I won't. Ever.

I got a raise at work. A few days ago. $0.20 raise. Pretty sweet. Top of the raise...thing. Twenty cents is the most money you can get for a raise. Yeah, you want to work at McD's now, don't you. I also got my crew trainer manual. Which when I actually sit down and go though, I will level up to crew trainer. Another twenty cent raise if I do that. Which would be lovely of course.

Enough about my amazing job.

Herald park, holy bologna, I am so excited. There will be shenanigans. Oh so many shenanigans. Excited!
Grad is fast approaching. Along with responsibility and the end of our care free ways. ;) Maybe not quite that drastic, but man, it's close.

I have an exciting body mod plan for the summer, talk to me about it. Alex doesn't like the idea. Since she is silly. Hahaha, so so silly. =)

Picture time!