Friday, March 28, 2008

Figured something out.

It is called To Write Love On Her Arms. I am amazed at how often things like this will come up and bite me straight on the nose. It is a non-profit organization designed to help people who are suffering from depression in all its forms. Read the story. It moved me. I don't know how I will apply it in my life but it did move me. Some days I really do hate how little I can do at this point in my life. There must be something I can do.

The other thing that I want to share with you is a song that was referred to me. I almost cried listening to it the second time. That is really quite rare nowadays. Saosin - You're not alone

My bathroom is being renovated and I am hesitant about it. I don't quite fully like the way it is turning out right now. It will get better and I will like it when it is done. I trust my mum's taste in house.

There is more.

I will put up the rest of the week soon. I am just being lazy.

I got contacts! Fun times without frigging glasses!

Not to much to say actually, I will post more when there is more to post.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Band '08 mar 16

" Woke up at six, got into uniform and went to breakfast. French toast, hash browns and syrup... yum. After finishing the nutritious breakfast we went up to H-10 the band building. We had a small briefing and then came back down to base and went to get our combats for the week.

That went well. After that we went back to our barracks and got changed into said combats. We went and had lunch. Riblings and potatoes. Twas good. Returned to H-10 and did ensemble practice for a few hours. Came back down for supper. Mmm stroganoff. What else did we do? Well, in the morning our drill wasn't very good on the way to the briefing and we ended up marching around for thirty minutes trying to get it right.

By the way I am on free time right now it is 9:35pm and I haven't done anything interesting since talking to my mom.

Now I am back in the barracks and life is fun again. Bryce wants me to tell you that he had a shower and is now clean. Bryce is amazing and I wish you all could meet hime.

Bedtime soon, I suppose I will have to put this away.
Love y'all.

Wish I was with you as much as I am enjoying being here."

By the way, when I mention camp food being good or delicious it is a comparison to summer camp food. It isn't actually good. It is better than the summer.

Spring Band '08 mar 15

The following nonsense will be written verbatim. Extra comment will be added at the end of the post.

"Well, here I am. Lying on the bunk underneath my own. I have already made my bunk and am quite pleased with it. My bed is all nice and tight. Tell me that doesn't evoke bad thoughts in you.

Anyways, the bus ride sucked. Took two hours to get from Kamloops to Vernon. Listened to Lewis Black on the way here. He was funnier than I remember.

Got to intake, the officers looked tired. Got through intake in a reasonable amount of time. After intake, I went to my barracks. I am in B-32 the female barracks during the summer. Weird how that happens. Changed into civvies and went to supper. Supper was roast beef and potatoes. It was nice. The roast beef tasted better with the potatoes smothered on it. Finished eating, went back to the barracks. They changed our first timing already. It went from 20:00 to 21:00. I am amazed that their planning is already falling apart.

Still waiting for Bryce to show up.

Bryce showed up, went to the briefing for the week. I may be in charge for the week but I am not sure yet.

Ended up going to sleep around midnight."

First day blew over all. It wasn't even a full day. It was slow and unorganized. Blargh.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The last procrastination post.

I promise. The next post will be about my week. Seriously.

I needed to share this review with you. It is absolutely amazing. Hilarious. Amazingly hilarious. This is the review that turns wood into gold. I am even telling the truth there.
Read it. Right now.


Warning, the above link is stunningly funny. It also contains profanity. The profanity is necessary though. From what I have heard about the movie, all of us would swear like that if we had to watch it.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I have returned.

I wrote a journal over the week so that I would be able to remember some of the things that happened. Hopefully I will be able to make use of the chiken scratch. I will be posting all of the entries exactly as I wrote them. I may have extra things to add but they will be at the bottom of the posts.

It is so nice to be home.

I woke up at 5 today. I was on the bus at 7. I arrived at home around 9. I am running on empty as it is from a week of light sleep. I sleep really well on the beds there, we just didn't sleep much. Silly camp.

What else?

I killed my lungs this week. I am coughing and hurting and stuff. Unpleasant. It hurts to breathe in deep so it is immensly hard to play my flute.

Umm, I think that is it for now. I will leave you in suspense for the rest of my weeks details.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spring Band

I am so excited for this week.

I am taking a journal with me so that I can record all the madness that happens and bring back some tales.

I don't think I will be able to say good bye to anyone personally, so this is my good bye. I hope every last one of you has a wonderful week. Whether you get it off or not.

I hate being divided, I don't want to go and leave everybody. However I also want to see my camp friends whom I don't ever get to see. Dilemma I tell you.

Anyways, I will be gone until Saturday. I will be home around 10:00ish am. So if I am still alive, perhaps something will be able to come of that.

Goodbye again. Love you all.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Deviant Art

I started an account on Deviant Art. Mostly for my writing. Maybe one day for drawings. I will burn that bridge when I cross it however. The account is Bryon-Drach for those interested. I will update it every so often, but don't expect much. I do have something in the works but I may take months to get around to finishing.

I don't really have much else to post about. I learnt some new things about my characters today. Thats about it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Is this wrong?

Transhumanism? It is a link. Tell me what you think.

I agree with most of the sentiments provided by the transhuman community. Except designer babies. No designer babies. If you want that much control go play The Sims or something.

Friday, March 7, 2008

A nothing post to keep the blog monkeys off my back.

These are the English lyrics to a Japanese song by The GazettE. The song is called Guren or Crimson Lotus in English. I don't know, maybe someone will enjoy reading these or listening to the song. You may find the videos to be a bit strange. I have confidence in you though. If you do listen, don't stop in the middle of the song. Listen the whole way through, you won't understand the words but try to draw something else out.

Here are the links,
Filth in the Beauty

Crimson Lotus

The passing days drew us closer
The pain is matched with joy
Both hands reflect that
I cry when i think of you

there is a rain of sadness
it's fine just to remain unknown
i tremble for repose, i remembered
what do you want to see in this reeled in dream?

i don't want you to fade
let me hear, even a sigh
a small heartbeat, that isn't there
i want you come here!

unchanging dreams, if this continues on
please don't pause in your happiness
even if it doesn't need to called out but
the drowning days are piling over me.

i don't want you to fade
let me hear, even a sigh
a small heartbeat, that isn't there
i want you come here!

Even the hands of salvation is also in vagueness
Will there be a cocoon at intervals of the second, without the string tearing off?

i want to hear, even a sigh
little rhythm to the sound of the heartbeat
of touched prayers delivered.

the name which i cannot call out i held closely
counting with my fingers, i don't want tomorrow to disappear
hearing with blocked ears
the sound of a broken cradle

the spring time will never come again
the crimson lotus is in bloom

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just because abusing me gets things done doesn't make it right.

Grrr... grrrrr... grr...

So, what to say. I went to TRU today to do some schoolwork. I decided a change of scenery would do me some good. It did. I got more work done today than I have in a day in the last four weeks or so.

Dad and I had an interesting talk about stuff. Ranging from nuclear weapons to space travel. It is nice to talk to him without it feeling limited by respect boundries. Which it still is I suppose. This conversation just felt more real. I don't really know.

Another neat thing my mother bought a 320gig external hard drive. Not that I will be able to use it due to the fact that it is attached to mom's computer. Pff, like that has stopped me before.

I finished some more webcomics. I think I am an addict. The silly thing is that almost none of the people who read this blog would be able to enjoy them. Any of them. It is a theme thing.

What else to splooge about?

Oooh, I noticed this a little while ago but TV isn't interesting anymore. The single show that still interests me is House. Other than that, the shows that I watch on occasion are more about filling time than actually being interested. Movies are a little better.

In case you hadn't noticed yet due to head trauma or something, I don't actually have anything to blog about and I am pulling all of this out of... a hat. Yes, a hat.

You know what I have trouble with? Well of course you don't that is why I am telling the internet. Reality. Some days I wake up and question whether anything I had done the day before had actually happened. While I was at Snow Camp and sleep deprived it was even worse. I completly lost my grip on reality and merely existed for a few hours. I must say that was an experience worth going through. Things that happened seconds ago had a dream like quality and everything was moving in slow motion. It was like drugs just more sleepy. Definatly a discussion to have whilst smoking leaf. No I didn't just write that and it doesn't matter how many times you read it. That line doesn't exist.

Goldfish are yummy.