Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I don't particularly understand the common human distaste for arachnids. Nor do I pretend to.

I do, however, prescribe to it.

Not that I want to, of course. I don't really care about spiders. They shouldn't bother me, as they can't cause me any real harm. In British Columbia, particularly in Kamloops, the most dangerous spider is the Black Widow. Which is poisonous, sure, but hardly a concern for an adult. Their bite may cause some swelling, and if you react poorly, you may develop some flu-like symptoms. Yet, nothing life threatening, for sure. Barely even troublesome.

So. When a wolf spider wanders into my bedroom, I should treat it as any other bug. Squash it with my finger, and then put it in the garbage. No problem. Yet, I freak out. Destroy it with a box, and am now incredibly uncomfortable in my room.

Spiders are stupid.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I want to hit things.

I want to lash out and tear things apart.

I can't see the beauty.

I can't see the light.

I can't see the future, nor the past.

I'm lost, and I can't find my way.

I'm desperate and foolish.

I'm tired. I'm so tired.

I'm sick. Sick of the darkness.

Sick of the darkness.

My mouth burns with fire.

As my mind burns with fury.

It's inching closer. Slowly closer.

I know it's coming, but it's so far away.

My body has lost it's strength.

My mind has lost it's tenacity.

I struggle, constantly.

I fear.

I fear.

I fear.

I loathe.

And I fear.

And I'm so tired.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tomato explosion all over the place!

Skillet. Ohhhh, Skillet.

Actually, that does tie in, shut up and listen.

So that might have been the most tiring weekend of my entire life. It all began on Friday. Do you wish to hear more? I hope so, I should be in bed, but am blogging instead. Appreciate me.

Friday. I worked 3-11. Closed Walmart. It was a gigantic gong show and I hated my life the entire time. I got home, and went about my post work business. You know. Poopin'. Not really. I prepped myself for the next day. Umm. Saturday. I got my clothes laid out, and put my stuff in a bag. Why would I do such a preposterous thing you ask? Rudely I might add. I was headed to Surrey that very Saturday. To go to Rock the River Fraser Valley. Awesome, I know. Anyways, I'm getting ahead of myself. So I set my stuff out, and then climbed into bed for approximately six hours of sleep. Lots of sleep. I woke up at seven thirty or so. Showered, straightened my hair (bad idea.) and hopped into my clothing. I went upstairs to get myself all ready for my day. Now. It was around eight thirty, and I was already tired. Partially due to my late night/ busy day previous/ lack of things to do. I got picked up by my amigo, Kurt, and we headed off into the glow of morning. We stopped at the church to load the cars with other folk and then zoomed off to Merritt for some breakfast. Tim Hortons lunch sandwiches are way better than their stupid breakfast. Burn. I went there. So I grabbed my breakfast and loaded into Curt's car. What. A change in K/Curt? Yes. Yes, that happened. Plugging in some rad tunes, we continued on our journey. We got to Surrey at some time I don't remember. We picked up some lunch prior to heading over to the festival grounds. Curt and I made a daring choice and proceeded to partake of Taco Bell's new promotion, the Boxmaster. It was a true delight. I wish I could write here that we mastered the Boxmaster, but it was not so. Shameful, I'm aware. During this time, I also snagged a sweet pink poncho to keep the rain off me. I forgot it in Surrey, sad face. We went over to the festival grounds and got situated. We listened to many bands, and I enjoyed about half of the music. The rest of it was awful. That's ok. I don't really mind, since my ticket was only ten bucks. Don't complain when your ticket is only ten bucks. Umm. Starfield, Downhere, and Skillet were brilliant. Skillet in particular performed a dazzling show that has effectively forced me to start listening to them again. So that's been happening a lot as of late. However. The weekend hasn't ended yet, so let's get back to that. Heading back to Kamloops I moved over to a third car, and joined some other friends. The trip back was a combination of much energy, zero energy and a lot of singing. Interspersed throughout each other. It was pretty sweet actually. We got home around two thirty, and I being the clever bean that I am, stayed up until around three, three thirty. Brilliant, especially since I had to get up the next morning to help lead worship. So. Three/four hours of sleep later, I wake up and head to the church once more. Practice went well enough, and the set went pretty swell for such short notice. I may or may not have nodded off during one of the songs for a moment. It may or may not have been one of the most terrifying moments of my life. After church I headed home with Andrew and we partook of pizza and each other's company. Good times were had. I was dying at this time from my lack of sleep, but my day had only just begun. You see, I worked this last Sunday. I picked up a shift because I'm a kind soul, and was at my job for seven hours that day. 3-10. I seriously thought I was going to die. I had to walk home from work, and I forgot shoes. It was not smiles times, my friends. The best part, is that this should've been the end of it all. The rules of the universe should say that after nonsense such as that, I should be permitted at least twelve hours to rest as I see fit. Of course not. I worked at eight on Monday morning. I got home at eleven, went to bed sometime around one, and was up at six. Monday, was the worst day, work wise, I've had in months. After work, I headed over to a shindig at Kyley's place and had a riot. That may be partially due to my sleep deprived brain finding everything amusing in some way, at least when it's not trying to kill me by nodding off during dangerous activities. Like walking. I got home from that shebang and wanted to shower more than my life is worth. However, I was running into walls and was beginning to hallucinate a little. So instead, I grabbed a towel, threw it on my pillow and slept like an inebriated gopher. Which I like to pretend is really quite well. I woke up Tuesday morning, showered and headed to work once more. It was not a bad day in the slightest, and I think I owe it entirely to the sleep.

So. The lesson from all these shenanigans?

Keep busy when you're sleep deprived, or you'll fall over.

Ha, you thought I'd learned a lesson. Pft.


So, that was my first real concert experience, and quite an entertaining weekend. Now I must head back to that bed thing that I have. Rest for tomorrow, lest I have another terrible day. Heaven forbid, right?

Toodles, folks!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


First ever concert experience tomorrow. Psyched.

Expect babble about it when I return. Or not. Entirely possible that I won't. I'm bad that way.