Thursday, December 25, 2008

Fourty minutes left

I thought it would be nice to wish all you bloggers a Merry Christmas. Those of you who I haven't already wished a Merry Christmas one way or another.

So in any case,

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Left the children in the coffee pot again,
Leaves an awful smell,
You were playing in the sandbox,
Next thing you know I am being taken down by military personnel.

So, I have the Christmas week off. Which is pretty rad. I am quite happy about it. I just get to do nothing. So I will get bored soon. =P

I suppose that means I will be learning more random songs on my guitars three then.

By the way, Left 4 Dead. Okay. Not quite the show stopper I had been expecting after all the hype. Really though? When does the game live up to the hype? Never. Easy questions.

So my ear is being cranky. Silly piercings. Shut up and get better so that I can get more. Oh man, I am so excited for my next piercing. Mmmmm... eeeeeeeeee! Very excited.

My phone is starting to fall apart at the seams. It's sad face material folks. Won't be long before I need to grab a new phone. I might just get the same model... but new. =)

Okay, I ran out of things to say.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Oh by the way

I have a new retainer. Score.

Monday, December 15, 2008


A poem dedicated to the cold. This took a lot of thought. It truly expresses my emotion towards cold. I am very pleased with it.

Ode to Cold

Go die.

Now you understand.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A confession to be made

I have a McJob.

Please don't hate me. =P

Anyways, that being said.

Do you know what is a vast amount of fun? Burns. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it's my masochistic ways shining through. Seriously though, masochism is not a good thing. =P Actually seriously now, I am utterly fascinated by my burns. Am I really just that weird? Don't answer that. I know the answer already.

Umm, that's it for now. Maybe some more later. My brain shut down after the whole working thing.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oh you fickle friend

Music. Oh music.

Okay, not quite that dramatic.

Two things really.

I am continually amused by my ability to enjoy any type of music. Even if I hate it right at first. (A good reason to avoid rap/country like the plague.) Many types of death metal are... interesting... to listen to at first. They rapidly grow on me. So, I now quite enjoy 3 Inches of Blood, Cannibal Corpse, Lamb of God, and Amon Amarth. Such a silly thing.

Second thing. Is how much I bounce around my music. Like, for the last couple of months it has been metalcore or death metal for the most part. All of the sudden however, I am back to listening to Godsmack. Which is a fairly garden variety metal band. (Sarah, feel free to correct me on any genre mislabeling that occurs here. =D )

Music is so strange.

Friday, December 5, 2008


I lost my freaking retainer!

Damn it!

Yay ears

I went from 10ga. to 6ga. today. I now have tunnels. They are still pretty wimpy. I am getting closer to my goal though. Yay for 0ga. I am quite excited for that.

Also, haircut. It's not to much different. Got it dyed black again. There is supposed to be purple in there too. I don't know if it is going to be visible. I can only hope.

That is all.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Out of school

I am all out. Except for some exams. Blargh. Exams.

I only have two of them though. Which is very nice. I'm not worried about either of them. I should be, but I am not.

Beside that though, not much.

Ooh! My grad class is planning on doing a "grad-band" thingy. Should be a blast. We have some massively talented musicians in our group. =D Love y'all. Seriously though. Crazy talent. Then there is me. With modest flute skills and not much else. =D Yay for me.

I am going for a haircut tomorrow. Hopefully that turns out well. I am going to tell her that I don't want it shorter. Just... less thick. =P If you haven't figured it out yet, I am going for the "emo" look. Somewhat anyways. Thus, my plan is to get some fringe going on. I am quite excited. Unless it turns out terribly. Then I will be quite furious. As per the fact that I am for the most part pleased with my hair right now.

Oh by the way, shameless plug time.

I put poetry here. I don't like it all. You won't like it all, but it is there. If you are interested. Don't complain to me about how it's dark and frightening if that's what you think. Seriously. I don't care if that's what you think. If you have constructive criticism I am all ears though. Thanks you.

That's about it. Mostly a filler post. I was feeling neglectful.

Monday, December 1, 2008

House of Cards (About as original as it gets. >_>)

Juvenile, a pitiful thing
Aren't you better than that?
Logic isn't allowed to enter the equation
Ignorance is far simpler to run with

Apathy, you don't care
Who do you hurt
Doesn't matter, they don't matter
It's working out for you isn't it?

Pathetic, I thought I respected you
What a foolish notion
Her fragile house of cards
Will tumble at your feet

Her fragile house of cards
Will be crushed beneath your feet